With a “new way to do things”, IBM is now focused on “bringing technology to the enterprise which is starved for cloud, mobile, social,” said John Furrier, SiliconANGLE founder and theCUBE co-host. In the opening segment for IBM InterConnect 2015, co-host Dave Vellante that the event underscores the transitions IBM is currently in, “repositioning the company around cloud, and mobile, and systems of engagement,” social and analytics.
“IBM has to shrink to grow, much like HP,” Vellante explained, mentioning the company had to push aside 7 billion dollars’ worth of business last year alone because they were losing money. IBM’s new way of thinking is very relevant according to John Furrier. “The entire stack of technology is up for disruption,” which generates opportunities to create value, he explained. “Their customers are hungry for being faster, more agile, more capital efficient. IBM is truly in my opinion on the right track, the question is, can they excute?”
“This is cutting edge developer, Amazon-like innovation, now coming into the enterprise” is the response to the two waves that are coming, mobile and Internet of Things, Furrier states.
“The core of IBM is the new strategic initiatives,” said Dave Vellante, which are now growing at 16%. While IBM may seem slow while developing its strategies, “once it gets the strategy right, it points all its resources through its growth areas, and then boom, it goes,” Vellante added. IBM is still a “free cash flow machine” and uses that cash “to buy back shares which Wall Street loves.” Vellante explained.
Watch the full kickoff segment below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE and theCUBE’s coverage of IBM Interconnect.