Data visualizations represent one of the easiest ways to explore business data, revealing all kinds of hidden nuggets that businesses can derive actionable insights from. Now, data visualization outfit Linkurious has come up with a way to help businesses to ‘see’ their graph-based data more easily with the launch of its enterprise platform, Linkurious Enterprise, designed to search, explore and visualize connections in graph data.
Linkurious’ gambit is that while graph data delivers some of the most visible insights, up until now it’s always been a highly specialized area that only the most talented of data scientists have been able to tap into. Now though, it’s making visualization tools available to everyone with the launch of its on-premise solution that lets users easily interact with their graph data. Users simply feed their data into the system via an easy-to-use interface, then use it to generate visualizations that promise to reveal hidden insights and opportunities – all through simple visual querying of that data.
“Linkurious helps organizations use their data to uncover relationships among people, places, things, and entities. It provides new capabilities to extract information from large and complex datasets” said Sébastien Heymann, CEO of Linkurious.
Linkurious Enterprise is essentially a kind of search tool for your graph data. It’s compatible with the popular Neo4j graph database, and allows data to be explored via a Web browser. To get started, simply enter a query and all relevant data will be displayed as a network of nodes and relationships – a graph visualization that users can explore and expand to identify paths, patterns and insights within a dataset.
Linkurious claims its platform can be applied to a wide number of verticals, including fraud detection, network management and medical research. Which bank customers are indirectly connected to known criminals? Which employees carry the most influence within an organization? What impact will that server failure have on your network? These are the kinds of questions most companies ask their data scientists – and which Linkurious Enterprise claims it can provide the answers to.
Despite only being announced today, Linkurious already claims a number of high-profile customers, including Cisco Systems Ltd., eBay Inc., and the French Ministry of Finances. Most famously, the International Consortium for Investigative Journalism (ICIJ) tapped into Linkurious to facilitate its “Swiss Leaks” investigation, helping to shed light on a giant tax evasion scheme allegedly operated with the knowledge of a Swiss-based subsidiary of Britain’s HSBC bank.
“Linkurious Enterprise allowed our remote team of dozens of reporters to easily sift through complex financial data to uncover persons of inte rest and potential stories — all in a visual and very intuitive way,” said Mar Cabra, Data Journalism Manager at the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.