Enterprise software company SAP SE, as a guest and sponsor of the MIT CDOIQ Symposium, brings with it the idea of Big Data morality. Ken Demma, VP, Office of the CIO, Anlaytics, for SAP, told theCUBE, SiliconANGLE’s Media team, that SAP’s approach comes from “practical perspectives in analytics,” he says. “We’re going to be talking about how we look at analytics, how we use the data, for what purpose, and what we want to get out of it.”
Cohost and SiliconANGLE Enterprise Editor Paul Gillin wonders about data security in the consumer market.
“We’re seeing that the younger generation is more open to sharing data, which makes sense in the way that they share data more openly,” Demma says. “Consumers are more willing to give up data if they get something back. But they’re also assuming that you’re taking care of their data. There is a lot of ground here that needs to be covered.”
theCUBE cohost and Wikibon Chief Analyst Dave Vellante asks Demma what guidelines companies should put in place to prevent the overuse of data. Demma says that those guidelines should stem from company culture. “They need to be driven by what is in bounds and out of bounds,” he says. “They need to be driven by corporate values; by something bigger and more values-oriented. At SAP, some of our corporate values stem from trust and integrity. Our employees should trust that this data is being used in the right way.”
Vellante couldn’t let Demma leave without asking about SAP HANA. The platform allows for processing and analysis of data in real time and has the ability to integrate with other tools. Demma sees HANA as a “game-changer.”
“I grew up in marketing and analytics,” he says. “If you would have asked me years ago, I could only hope for something like Hanna. When we talk about having all the data within a company, having all that data wouldn’t matter without processing power, and that’s why Hanna is so valuable.”
Watch the full interview below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE and theCUBE’s coverage of MITCDOIQ Symposium 2015.