There may actually be an end in sight for the sad farce that has been the Batman: Arkham Knight PC release. Publisher Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has announced that the game will finally be re-releasing for PC at 10am PDT on October 28, just over four months after it was pulled from digital storefronts for being fundamentally broken to the point that it was virtually unplayable on most PCs.
While Warner Bros apparently considers the Arkham Knight to now be “fixed,” there are quite a few current players who are still skeptical given the game’s track record so far.
The re-release patch coming on October 28 makes no mention of additional bug fixes or graphics updates and instead seems to add only non-essential features such as big head mode and alternate costumes. These additions are meant to bring the PC version of Arkham Knight up to speed with the console versions, which did not suffer from any of the same issues experienced by the PC game.
The four month wait has left many Arkham fans asking if Warner Bros will offer the re-release of the PC version at a discount or if DLC will be given out for free to the players who purchased the game in July, but there does not appear to be any indication that the publisher has plans to offer bonuses or freebies to smooth things over with PC gamers.
Analytics site SteamSpy currently lists the user base for Arkham Knight at just over 440,000 players on Steam, which are made up almost entirely of the consumers who bought (or pre-ordered) the game at launch and did not refund it.
It is difficult to predict how well Arkham Knight will sell after its re-release on Wednesday, but with several major PC releases right around the corner, including both Fallout 4 and Star Wars Battlefront, the game faces some tough obstacles to overcome.