As countries develop and their people migrate internationally, needs often arise for those countries to be able to track their people as they disperse throughout the world.
Elian Carsenat, founder of NamSor Applied Onomastics, sat down with Dave Vellante and Jeff Frick, cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, at RapidMiner Wisdom 2016 in New York to talk about how his company’s product is helping do just that.
NamSor uses the RapidMiner platform to sort names. The software can infer gender, origin and other data using only a personal name as the input with a high degree of probability. This additional information is very helpful in certain situations and can be very valuable to company or government seeking it.
Countries all over the world have numerous reasons to connect with their diaspora in other countries. Attraction of business and investment opportunities, education and scientific needs, gender gap analysis, and resolution of local social crises are only a few of the current applications of the software.
“The more the world is open, the more people move around the planet, and at the same time it creates opportunities to reconnect these communities with their home countries so they can give back,” said Carsenat.
Watch the full interview below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE and theCUBE’s coverage of RapidMiner Wisdom 2016.