As day two of OpenStack Summit — Austin began, where OpenStack fits into the overall ecosystem and the distinctive global presence at the summit were the key focal points at the event. Stu Miniman (@stu) and Brian Gracely (@bgracely), and John Walls, cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, opened day two with observations of today’s keynote.
“The keynote had distinctive global feel today,” according to Walls. “We saw some demos from the Czech Republic, they talked about the newest members of China, they went through the Taiwanese hackathon and examples from Sweden and the UK, so this is not just a United States concept, obviously. This is expanding to global nations.”
Miniman commented on how OpenStack does a good job of including all in its community by pointing out how the vendors seem to have a more global feel and the added Women of OpenStack panel. “OpenStack is no longer trying to be all things to all people, but they want all people across the globe to be a part of it,” he said.
When asked where OpenStack fits in, Gracely noted, “Years back OpenStack had a big vision; they had the open cloud, the big layer, sort of the ‘Linux of the cloud,’ and to a certain extent they may have gotten a little too big for their britches … they kept expanding, getting into new projects, were going to get into new areas, and the reality of that was to a certain extent that OpenStack wasn’t the best fit for that.”
Gracely added, “OpenStack does certain things very, very well, but now it’s about how it’s going to fit into a broader ecosystem.”
“The theme I’m starting to get this week is, we all know it’s a multi-cloud world,” said Miniman providing his perspective on OpenStack’s place in the ecosystem. He said that today we will hear about OpenStack, containerization, the orchestration layer and multi-cloud, and how those pieces go together.
The panel delved further into how the role of containers, virtual machines, IoT and other technologies fit into OpenStack and how projects today will be monetized for the enterprise in the future. According to Gracely, there needs to be a major shift in workforce thinking. “We are racing with the machine,” he said.
Watch the full interview below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE and theCUBE’s coverage of OpenStack Summit — Austin. And make sure to weigh in during theCUBE’s live coverage at the event by joining in on CrowdChat.