Programming today involves a lot of moving parts, and it can be difficult keeping track of them. RackN, Inc. is a company that takes all those moving parts and breaks them up so they become more manageable.
Rob Hirschfeld, founder and CEO of RackN, Inc., talked with John Furrier (@furrier) and Brian Gracely (@bgracely), cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, during the DockerCon 2016 event about RackN and how it makes data more manageable.
Now that technology has become more widely accessible and programming makes complex tasks seem simple, there is a greater desire to reach for the “easy button,” said Hirschfeld. However, for the operations team, things only get more and more complicated. Most companies are now looking at a hybridization of infrastructure that creates an ever-challenging landscape.
RackN takes this difficult landscape and breaks it down into smaller more flexible moving parts, Hirschfeld explained.
RackN is an orchestration system that coordinates operational tasks. It breaks down things like a complicated install into pieces that can be rearranged, transferred or deleted based on the user’s needs. This ease of transition makes looking at the bigger picture more manageable and leaves a greater room for innovation.
Customers are leaning toward more hybridization and flexible stacking. There is an increased desire for self-service applications and breaking down complicated programs into pieces makes that easier.
Enterprises today are more pressured to let users in on their programming process. With so many people wanting to be hands on, companies have to let customers see “inside the box,” said Hirschfeld. RackN rips that box apart and allows users to put it back together in a way that suits them best.
Watch the full video interview below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE and theCUBE’s coverage of the DockerCon 2016. Plus, join in on the conversation by CrowdChatting live with theCUBE hosts.