In the highly competitive data storage and protection industries, startup companies need to differentiate along multiple axes to achieve meaningful market penetration. Reduxio Inc., an enterprise computer storage company, maintains a strong culture of innovation to differentiate from larger incumbents and competing startups.
“I think the primary difference is that … we’re integrating primary storage along with secondary storage in data protection. [Cohesity and Rubrik] are focusing just on the secondary and the data protection,” said Reduxio Chief Marketing and Corporate Strategy Officer Mike Grandinetti of his company and its rivals. By harmonizing the previously siloed capabilities of primary and secondary storage, Grandinetti is tapping his 25 years of experience to innovate in a long-standing industry with his eighth startup.
Grandinetti spoke with Stu Miniman (@stu), host of theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio, at theCUBE’s studio in Boston, Massachusetts. They discussed Reduxio’s innovative product and marketing strategies, including primary and secondary storage integration and a purely inbound sales channel.
Reduxio not only differentiates on the technical aspects of data storage and protection, but drives innovation on the user experience front as well. The company leveraged video game designers to deliver an interactive, intuitive administrative interface that allows customers to deploy solutions quickly, Grandinetti explained.
“It’s allowed us to be able to drop a Reduxio system into any number of use cases with someone who may not have the luxury of being deep in storage and literally get time to value that they put production workloads on the system that day,” Grandinetti said.
Reduxio is going up against some of the biggest names in enterprise storage, including Dell Technologies Inc. and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Co. As such, its marketing strategy needs to be modern and lean in order to compete with the massive sales channels larger competitors leverage. Grandinetti relies on a team of young, innovative students to drive high-quality inbound leads from social and digital campaigns.
“I’ve now got a team of 11 people, and nine of them were my former students,” said Grandinetti, who has taught at the Hult International School of Business for more than six years. “I had a chance to observe them in action over 18 months, and they’re world class. They have that innovation gene in their DNA.”
Watch the complete video interview below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE’s and theCUBE’s CUBE Conversations.