Facebook is set to start reopening its offices all over the world come July 6, according to an article published by Bloomberg today.
The reopening at first will mean only 25% of Facebook’s workforce will be allowed to return, and will include staff working in areas where remote work is difficult. That will mean only staff can enter the building, according to that report, so there will be no meetings or interviews with outsiders.
Those who can return will have to undergo a variety of checks in line with COVID-19 safety measures. The temperature of workers will be taken daily, and if social distancing isn’t possible, staff will be required to wear face masks.
Every workspace will be positioned at least six feet away from the next, while meetings will also take place only when each person can sit at least six feet away from others. Facebook’s gyms will not be opened, and rather than eat in the cafeteria, staff will be asked to order meals.
The July 6 date is for workers in the U.S. and Europe, although according to the report, Facebook offices in various countries in Asia might open before that date. The company has previously said that most staff can work remotely until 2021, which still stands, although it seems essential staff who work at home will be called back.
As for other tech leaders, Twitter Inc. Chief Executive Jack Dorsey said earlier this month that many employees will be able to work from home indefinitely, although certain staff members may return to the office in September.
Microsoft Corp. has said it will begin opening its offices in October, while Google LLC, like Facebook, has said it will close its doors for most staff until at least June 1. Google has said it will use a “staggered” approach to allowing staff back to work, with perhaps 10% to 20% of workers going back to the office in June or July. By the end of the year, Google said, 20% to 30% of workers will be back in the office.
Amazon.com Inc. will bring its office staff back as soon as Oct. 2, but again, if white-collar workers can work from home, they will continue to do so.