Cybersecurity technology provider Rapid7 Inc. today launched “Executive Risk View,” a new solution that normalizes risk scoring in cloud and on-premises environments.
Risk scoring is a method that quantifies the potential threat a vulnerability or a set of vulnerabilities poses to an organization’s information technology infrastructure. The method considers various factors, such as the nature of the vulnerability, its potential impact, the value of the affected assets, and the ease of exploitation.
Rapid7’s new Executive Risk View has been designed with the aim of aiding security leaders in assessing risks effectively and improving collaboration with teams throughout an organization for enhanced cyber risk reduction.
Executive Risk View tackles the increasingly difficult-to-manage security landscape in dynamic hybrid environments. Rapid7 argues that a unified tool is necessary to achieve comprehensive visibility into vulnerability risks amid complex and diverse technology stacks. This is where Executive Risk View steps in with what is claimed to be a different approach.
The new solution from Rapid7 ingests data via dedicated collection mechanisms, capturing information from workloads regardless of whether they’re operating on-premises or in the cloud. Executive Risk View delivers comprehensive risk visibility across hybrid environments, eliminating blind spots and allowing scalability as required.
Executive Risk View also features a threat-aware risk-scoring methodology that aggregates and normalizes assessments from different environments that traditionally use distinct scoring systems. Doing so leads to an interactive dashboard offering a clear view of vulnerabilities and the risk they represent to the organization, the company says.
Advantages of the tool include the ability to present trending information that showcases progress over time, allowing security teams to prioritize remediation actions based on the most up-to-date data. The insights gained can be shared across an organization, allowing for a swift and effective response to the risks posing the greatest threat.
“We believe that, until now, security leaders haven’t had a compelling way to address the need for a unified perspective of risk across cloud and on-prem environments,” Aniket Menon, vice president of product management at Rapid7, said ahead of the announcement. “Executive Risk View does just that, eliminating the tedious manual work and confusion created by context switching between multiple tools.”