UPDATED 16:12 EDT / MAY 24 2024

Ai is transforming the enterprise data management field. TheCUBE analyzes the ensuing implications within the Informatica context. AI

Data management for AI readiness amid Informatica’s differentiation strategy

Data management is hot again. Propelled by the artificial intelligence infusion, the new era promises productivity gains and enhanced organizational decision-making. But there’ll be growing pains, one of which is data readiness.

Ai is transforming the enterprise data management field. TheCUBE analyzes the ensuing implications within the Informatica context.

Discussing AI-infused data management with Informatica’s Jim Kruger.

“Within Informatica, we’re using AI across all of our different functions, and we are starting to get our feet planted and understand how to make it work,” said Jim Kruger (pictured), chief marketing officer of Informatica Inc. “But it’s early days and again, people are still learning. One of the things that Informatica does is help companies to get ready for AI. Research shows that a lot of companies that go down the path of starting with AI run into some roadblocks.”

Kruger spoke with theCUBE Research’s Rebecca Knight and Rob Strechay at Informatica World, during an exclusive broadcast on theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s livestreaming studio. They discussed Informatica’s holistic approach, early adoption of AI and commitment to customer-centric innovation in data management. (* Disclosure below.)

Informatica’s data management position: Differentiating in a crowded market

Informatica’s journey from an on-premises provider to a cloud-centric model showcases its adaptability and vision. The company has transitioned from traditional software delivery to a subscription-based, cloud-focused approach. This shift has positioned Informatica uniquely in the data management field, offering a holistic suite of capabilities rather than specializing in a single niche, according to Kruger.

“It’s a tremendous opportunity because I think most of the players within the data management field are really focused on one specific category or specific use case,” he said. “Informatica is unique from that perspective because we take a holistic view of data management and all the key capabilities.”

With over 800 vendors operating in data management, differentiation is imperative.  Informatica employs a two-pronged go-to-market strategy, targeting both high-level executives such as chief data officers and chief information officers and the technical practitioners who use the technology daily. This approach ensures that both strategic and operational needs are met.

“Most companies are thinking about the use case of today and how to solve those today,” Kruger said. “We’re trying to work closely with the CDOs and help them to see the future and look out 2, 3, 4 years down the line in terms of, ‘Okay, what is your data management practice going to look like?’ And we have best-of-breed products across every category and all the integration work is done.”

Here’s the complete video interview, part of SiliconANGLE’s and theCUBE Research’s coverage of Informatica World

(* Disclosure: Informatica Inc. sponsored this segment of theCUBE. Neither Informatica nor other sponsors have editorial control over content on theCUBE or SiliconANGLE.)

Photo: SiliconANGLE

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