Nirvanix said this morning that its flagship cloud storage offering will be available through the Intel AppUp SMB Service, a subscription-based hybrid cloud solution. AppUp lets users choose from a catalog of online apps and services, run the software on their on-premise infrastructure, and give the keys to their managed service provider. The MSP manages the deployment remotely and charges the client on a pay-as-a-you-go basis.
“SMB customers are looking for cost-effective ways to manage exploding data growth. With the Intel AppUp SMB Service, we are providing MSPs with industry-proven solutions they can offer their customers,” said Bridget Karlin, General Manager at Intel.
“Adding solutions like the Nirvanix service allows us to enable MSPs to offer leading enterprise-class cloud storage as part of their SMB customers’ Intel AppUp SMB Service subscription. This gives customers on-demand, secure, usage-based storage capacity for backup and archiving applications.”
For a service provider such as Nirvanix, making partners and expanding to new markets is a key factor for sustained growth. This latest push is the second milestone that the company achieved under CEO Dru Borden, who took office in December last year.
The executive joined Nirvanix in 2012 served as Nirvanix’s chief strategy officer for just a few months before landing the promotion. The board was quick to replace former CEO Scott Genereux after he left for Oracle, and the then CSO was picked from a very short list of candidates.
Burden’s first major maneuver as CEO was to strengthen relations with CoreSite, his company’s co-location provides. Two weeks ago the firms announced the availability of direct connectivity from client sites throughout the West Coast to the Los Angeles CoreSite facility that houses the local Nirvanix Cloud Storage Network node.