In the next two years, Tableau Software Inc. is on track to spend more on research and development than in the last ten years. The company is on a mission to help the world see and understand data, and this vision was clearly and visually portrayed yesterday morning in a keynote by Tableau’s VP of Mobile & Strategic Growth Dave Story, as he conducted a live demonstration of Project Elastic, a tablet-based app that allows anyone to make sense of their data. Shortly after his presentation, Story visited theCUBE to discuss Project Elastic further.
Story explained that initially, the only people in an organization who were able to understand data were actual data scientists, analysts and the like. However, most businesses in the US don’t have those types of resources and also, as Story put it, are not being properly served by their business intelligence systems. With Project Elastic, Tableau is set to change that. From sandwich shops to Fortune 500 companies, Project Elastic gives users from all walks of business the simple ability to realize the value of their data and quickly obtain insights.
Story also explained that Project Elastic simply and quickly answers the ‘What’ and ‘When’ questions that people commonly ask when they receive a file of data. For example, what the top seller is and when that items tends to sell most. It offers an immediate answer view and a flowing user experience.
Gaining more than 21,000 customers and total revenues of $90.7 million, Tableau has grown rapidly and made it big in the data analysis realm. With Project Elastic, Story said the company is looking to expand that reach.
See the entire interview below.