Verizon’s new Android app store, V CAST Apps, is set to launch soon and they’re already accepting submissions for Android apps. Developers should be enticed to this particular portal—totally separate from the Google Android Market—as Verizon is trying to create a wilder, more innovative market.
According to an article over at Electronista,
Verizon is attempting to differentiate itself from the Android Market in several ways, including cross-platform distribution on BlackBerry and Android. Participants may also have additional marketing options, “not just a quality-crushing algorithm,” according to a letter distributed to developers.
Interestingly enough, Verizon development executive director Jennifer Byrne recently highlighted the benefits of taking a hands-off approach. The company transitioned from the “walled garden stage to the open approach,” as Android installations have been left mostly without restrictions regarding sources of app downloads. It remains unclear if the company will maintain its hands-off approach as its own app store is placed in direct competition with the Android Market.
The carrier’s app store will also be matching Google’s 70/30 revenue split, which should make developers happy. Especially because—according to a Nielsen report discussed on BizReport—Android app users are much more ad friendly than others. “Nielsen attributes this result to the fact that Android users are a younger demographic who have a more positive reaction to ads than older users.” Younger users also have a broader appeal to flashier, stranger, and envelope pushing designs and tech, something that Verizon’s hands-off approach will help them cultivate.
No launch date for the V CAST Apps portal has yet been announced.