The following is the body of a letter that I have sent to fellow candidates running for the office of President of the United States:
We are very rapidly moving toward an unprecedented and existential election for our nation’s next president. America has never faced challenges such as it does now. The threat level in our world is at a peak; trust in government is at an all-time low. The People are dissatisfied, and we are worried. And as during all such times in human history, we are looking to our leaders for answers.
One cornerstone of my campaign is that it is unacceptable for the quest of obtaining and retaining power – politics – to be allowed to continue to interfere with a properly functioning government. A major component of this equation is the concept of political ambition. How can any of us be expected to focus solely on the needs of the American People in the true spirit of service if we are distracted by the problem of retaining power?
Perhaps President Obama illustrated the problem best when he stated to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.” He did not realize he was being recorded. To overcome the obstacles facing us, America requires strong and focused leadership. We cannot wait four years for the necessary “flexibility.”
Each of us believes that we can best provide this leadership and successfully shepherd our great nation through these turbulent and dangerous times. All but one of us will be told otherwise by The People. But given the circumstances, The People have the right to expect that whichever individual they ultimately elect will devote themselves 100% to the task at hand.
That is why I pledge to the American People that, if elected, I will not seek a second term. And I invite, I challenge, each of you to join me. Let’s remove this distraction and pledge to give the American People what they deserve – the chief executive’s full attention to the nation’s best interests. A servant leader. A president who will set to work immediately, unencumbered by considerations of winning re-election.
So let all true patriots join me in a pledge to forsake politics and the pursuit of power and Put America First.
– John McAfee