Alex Williams

Alex Williams is an editor for SiliconAngle and lives a charmed life in Portland, Or.

Latest from Alex Williams

Who Cares if a Toilet Maker Has More Data Than the Library of Congress? [Infographic]

The Library of Congress is so often used to compare how much more data we produce than could ever be stored in a building with seemingly endless shelves filled with books. It’s an analogy that is used to show much data we now create. But, really, who cares if a toilet maker has more data ... Improves Its Facebook Integration. Where Are the Big Service Providers?

Last year, introduced the Facebook Tool Kit. It allowed a user to pull in data from Facebook and start using the Facebook Graph API. It had the capability to read the Facebook Graph API but writing to it was not possible. One year later and has rewritten the tool kit to ...

OK Labs Develops A Defense Grade Mobile Smartphone That May Appeal to the CIO

Open Kernel Labs is announcing a defense grade mobile smartphone that the company is positioning for the enterprise market. LG will manufacture the devices as part of an OK Labs contract with the Department of Defense. The device uses mobile virtualization so personal data is separated from military or eventually corporate information. In the military, ...

CIO Watch Out: Do IT Service Providers Understand the New Cloud Economy?

Gartner Research Analyst Dennis Gaughan recently gave a talk about the major IT vendors that has some great nuggets for the CIO trying to make sense of the tactics employed by IBM, SAP, Oracle and Microsoft. A Forbes article did a great job of breaking down what Gaughan had to say. Some of the highlights: IBM ...

Basecamp Goes Back to the Basics with a New, Cleaner UI

37 Signals Founder Jason Fried previewed a redesign today for Basecamp that has three things in mind: Speed Big Picture Focus It’s the first time since 2004 that Basecamp has had such an overhaul. It’s called Basecamp Next. Here’s a quick summary: The new user interface is designed for people to see the big picture ...

Parallels Carving up the $1.1 Trillion Small Business IT Market One Hosting Service at a Time

At the Parallels Summit here in Orlando, there are about 750 to 800 hosting services that serve 5o to 70 million businesses. This week, the event is the epicenter of  the Web hosting world, a universe well beyond the Silicon Valley and its continuous obsession with anything new. My friend and colleague Krishnan Subramanian said this today on ...

48 Hours Later and 6 New and Updated Versions of the Private Cloud

I started this week at CloudConnect in Santa Clara. Today I am at the Parallels conference in Orlando. In this short 48 hours I’ve heard of six new versions or updates of the private cloud. A recap: This morning, Red Hat announced it will offer Enterprise MRG Grid subscriptions on Amazon EC2 via Red Hat ...

BitNami Offers App Package for the Private (and Public) Cloud

BitNami is known for packaging open source apps.  It’s a pretty handy service. A customer can run a BitNami app package on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and other public cloud environments. In all, BitNami has  a library of more than 40 pre-configured, ready-to-run packages of popular open source applications and development environments. Now BitNami is ...

A 17-Year-Old Developer Laments About His 19-Year-Old Rival and His $1.1 Million Funding

I think there are lessons for the enterprise in stories like the one I discovered on DZone about a 17-year-old lamenting about his rival who just received $1.1 million in funding and a feature on TechCrunch.  In particular, it shows the new economy young people will create as they fill the middle with minimally viable ...

A Developer Looks at the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Logging Consulting Hours

Good to see the perspective of a developer working in the trenches of a dev shop where often startups go to get the grunt work done. Anarchogeek calls it the underbelly of the software development world. An apt description. In a post today, Evan Henshaw describes the good, the bad and the ugly of of ...