Alex Williams

Alex Williams is an editor for SiliconAngle and lives a charmed life in Portland, Or.

Latest from Alex Williams

4 Reasons Why Dell Bought Force 10

Why did Dell buy Force 10? The analysis so far shows Dell ‘s strategy to build data centers based upon a stack that integrates servers, networking, storage and is powered by virtualization. Here are four reasons that show what Dell gets out of the acquisition and what we can expect going forward. Force 10 is ...

HD as a Service – Lifesize Goes for Mobile Video Conferencing

High definition video conferencing is a cloud service just emerging as a way to reduce the complexity of an ever infinite number of end ponts. We see this with online storage services that connect to online spaces where people may keep content that they pull from the enterprise network. The video conferencing market is going ...

F1 is Back But Now as a Service

Mindtouch is bringing back F1. But this time the help function is in providing customer service in Web applications. It’s not the F1 of old, the one on your keyboard when you had a question about your personal computer.  Instead, the service is designed for application providers to add a level of contextual help for ...

HP: The IT Transformation Means Services and Developer Focus

The story in the world of the enterprise is about the application. The application is the glue. It sits between IT, developers and the end user. And due to this, havoc is rampant for the CIO trying to keep control while also not getting in the way of developers while also serving the customer. We’re ...

A First Birthday for OpenStack – Adoption is Next

OpenStack is one-year-old, marking a year that has seen it grow to become one of the leading open source projects in the world. OpenStack launched last July under the umbrella of the Apache Foundation as an initiative between Rackspace and NASA. Rackspace provided the storage infrastructure and NASA donated its compute technology. It started with ...

How to Manage 4.5 Million Human Gene Samples

You have a freezer. The ice cream has to stay cold or it will melt and go bad. You can look in the freezer and tell if everything is okay. There’s a thermometer. Pretty simple. Now what if you had 10,000 ice cream samples in the freezer? Monitoring gets a bit more complicated. Now, let’s ...

Transforming to a Post-PC World Through APIs and Mobile Gateways

Box today launched a contest for developers to create new applications that integrate on top of its storage and collaboration technologies. The goal is to get more developers interested in developing for the enterprise, which is in need of modern applications that fit more accordingly with the architecture that is required for cloud-based infrastructures and ...

Dell Stage: It’s About the Services

Dell’s commitment to an end-to-end services strategy is evident in the news last week that it has launched its free storage and synchronization service on a select set of desktops and tablets. The service is similar to Apple iCloud and touches on the capabilities in Google+. The service is called Dell Stage.  It comes installed ...

Cloud Savvy Small Business Market Evident at Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference

Parallels Software is well-known for its virtualization software that allows Microsoft applications to run in a Macintosh environment. These days its greater significance in the market is arguably for its cloud services delivery software that hosting providers are increasingly turning to as more small and medium sized businesses adopt cloud technologies. For the Microsoft Worldwide ...

The Tata Cloud – Why Makes Good Sense

Tata Communications, the worldwide consulting service provider, is building a network of data centers throughout the world to serve the small business market. To do that, the company is using, which Citrix acquired today in a deal estimated at $200 million. Tata is building the cloud infrastructure to provide the small  and mid-size business ...