Alex Williams

Alex Williams is an editor for SiliconAngle and lives a charmed life in Portland, Or.

Latest from Alex Williams

VMware Touts Cloud Suite In Latest Iteration of its vSphere Technology [Live Blog]

VMware  is seeking to extend its lead in virtualization. That much is clear in its launch today of its latest iteration of its vSphere technology. What is not so clear is its cloud strategy, which is looking like it may not be getting the adoption it expected. As a result, we’re seeing today an effort ...

The Open Source Cloud Has a New Champion – Citrix Buys

Citrix is acquiring in a play to be the open cloud provider of choice for the enterprise and consumer services markets. The acquisition puts Citrix square in the middle of the market for providing open, infrastructure services in the same style as Amazon Web Services (AWS). This is in contrast to high-end infrastructures that ...

The Network is Next – Internet Traffic to Quadruple by 2015 [Infographic]

Internet traffic will quadruple by 2015. Where that traffic will come from is the focus of an infographic that Cisco posted last week. According to Cisco, Asia-Pacific is forecast to lead in file-sharing traffic and Internet gaming traffic. North America will lead in terms of business IP traffic.  Western Europe will lead in VoIP usage. ...

The Google+ Expert

As Chris Pirillo said, this did not take long. I just had to share. Soon, the Google+ “experts,” will be out in force. Hurry and you can get your downloadable certificate! And by the way, let me know if you want an invite to Google+. Leave a comment or email me: Enjoy.

Business Intelligence in the Cloud? A Not So Simple Service

There’s a flaw in the cloud-based business intelligence model. Too many vendors are offering the icing but not the cake. That’s the argument made by Wayne Eckerson in a blog post: Expectations Vs Reality: Understanding the Dynamics of the Cloud BI Market. Eckerson makes the point that complaints about security and data transfer rates are not ...

Capgemini CEO: Soon to Be a Top 10 North American Services Provider

In a recent interview with Journal Du Net, Capgemini CEO Paul Hermelin said he expects the French company will soon join the top 10 of North American service providers. Hermelin said Capgemini is now ranked 17th in the United States. He did not provide a source but the ranking is in line with his statement ...

Case Study: How Service Matters for Maine Medical Center

Maine Medical Center is a nonprofit, community hospital for the people of greater Portland, Me. It has more than 400 beds in Portland and an additional 200 at locations in other parts of the state. It is one of the highest rated hospitals you will find. It has been rated the fourth safest hospital in the ...

Prosperous Cloud: Accenture Makes Debut on S&P 500

Accenture made its debut today on the S&P 500, an achievement that is testament to the recent wave of technology innovations in the enterprise. Accenture has fared well recently. In June, the Irish company posted a 28% increase in revenues for the quarter. Management said a driver for Accenture’s growth is the enterprise demand for ...

CSC: Similarities to Amazon Web Services, Different than Accenture

CSC is one of the world’s largest solutions providers serving the enterprise. These days it works with customers that are affected by massive data influx, app backlogs and the challenge in being fast and agile while also managing a legacy infrastructure. To best serve these customers, this 50-year-old consulting giant is going through some changes ...

APIs for Mobile E-Commerce and In App Transactions

  Apigee announced today that it is offering a PCI-DSS compliant API solution, another step for in app transaction capabilities in the mobile e-commerce market. That’s good news for service providers and solutions integrators. Companies are looking for training and a greater degree of assistance in developing an API infrastructure.  PCI compliance by itself is ...