Alex Williams

Alex Williams is an editor for SiliconAngle and lives a charmed life in Portland, Or.

Latest from Alex Williams

Is Hortonworks Yahoo’s Smartest Play in Years?

Yahoo! and Benchmark Capital launched Hortonworks today with the mission to revolutionize and commoditize the storage and processing of big data via open source. It’s not unexpected news. There has been talk over the past few months of a new company coming out of the venture capital group and Yahoo! that played off Apache Hadoop, ...

Nirvanix Hires Google’s Head of Global Data Center Infrastructure

Nirvanix has hired one of Google’s top data center executives. Paul Froutan will serve as Nirvanix chief technology officer. At Google, Froutan served as head of global data center infrastructure, responsible for designing, building and managing Google’s worldwide data center operations. Prior to Google, Froutan was vice president of product development at Rackspace Hosting. Nirvanix provides a ...

The Largest Data Breaches of All Time [Infographic]

I like to post an infographic on the weekends. They gives an entirely different perspective than a blog post. Each weekend, we’ll run an infographic that tells a story about recent news and trends in the market. Flowing Data recently posted some data that shows the largest data breaches of all time. All of these ...

Diagram: Amazon Web Services Architecture

Soocial is a service that syncs your addresses on your phone, computer and online services. Their tagline:  “A million devices, one magical address book.” Today, its chief developer, Stefan Fountain tweeted a link to a diagram sent to him by the Amazon Web Services architecture team (click image for larger view): Designs like these are ...

CIO Intelligence: 3 Advantages of a Flat Network

Is it time to flatten  the network? It is starting to seem that way. Today’s network is tremendously complex with its tree-type structure. It is not designed for mobile technologies nor the big data that has steadily increased. Any mid-sized network has thousands of endpoints. Smartphones and tablets are just the start. Tens of thousands ...

Cisco Says it is Fending Off HP and Juniper

Cisco said today that it is fending off HP and Juniper in the competitive networking space – a noteworthy admission in a market that faces considerable disruption. Cisco’s overall switch sales are down 9% compared to a year ago. That in combination with its lackluster consumer business led to restructuring in the company earlier this ...

3 CIOs on IT Transformation

The fact we talk about IT in a transformation tells a story in itself. We are acknowledging that the enterprise has to change in a universal manner. But the discovery is not in the term itself but what people are doing to foster change and create an environment for innovation. We thought it might be ...

Simon Crosby on Openness and Leaving Citrix for a Startup

Citrix CTO Simon Crosby announced today that he is leaving the company to form a startup that has received $9.2 million in a series A round of funding  from Andreessen Horowitz, Ignition Partners and Lightspeed Venture Partners. Crosby serves as Citrix CTO for data centers and desktop virtualization. He is a fixture in the cloud world. A well-known blogger ...

Future of the Cloud? GigaOm Survey Shows Slow Adoption

The growth and interest in cloud computing are two different things entirely. The growth is still minimal. The interest is astounding. Combined and you get a picture of a market still trying to find itself. That about sums up “The Future of Cloud Computing,” a new survey conducted by North Bridge Venture Partners in partnership ...

Red Hat Proves Why Amazon Web Services Is A Must Consideration

There was some news today that did not get a lot of attention. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) now runs on Amazon Web Services. But before you yawn and lay your head on that old-fashioned desk of yours, think for a minute about what this means. AWS is becoming a must consideration as part of any ...