Amber Harris

Latest from Amber Harris

Top Skills for Data Visualization : Tableau Q&A with Jock Mackinlay

Data visualization is perhaps the most promising of formats with the proliferation of Big Data.  Stimulating multiple areas of the brain, visual feedback is one of the best paths to knowledge comprehension.  And as data becomes increasingly democratized in the workplace and beyond, determining the best interfaces for consuming that data will fundamentally change its ...

Has Instagram Become Too Risque?

Social media holds some of our most precious memories, as well as our frustrations and heartache. Instagram has become our digital photo album that holds important moments in our lives such as weddings, proposals and even new additions to our families. Unfortunately, Instagram can also expose the ugly sides of life, such as drug abuse, ...

Converge Cloud is All About Having One Common Architecture, Says HP VP Saar Gillai

The following is an excerpt from Saar Gillai’s recent appearance on theCube during last week’s OpenStack Summit in Portland, Oregon.  Gillai is the Senior Vice President and General Manager of HP Converge Cloud. Converged cloud is all about having one common architecture that provides customers with consistency and choice, across all deployment models, whether it’s private, ...

Security is a Living Organism, says Zettaset CEO Jim Vogt

Security is a living organism–people will want to deal with a data leakage. What’s interesting is the way we are going to do it. We won’t have to have secure and non-secure clusters because we can co-mingle secure and non-secure access on the same nod and cluster, which is key. Efficient access to the data ...

Picking Proper Products, Teaching Big Data : Piqora CEO on Startup Savviness

The following is an excerpt from a recent interview with Piqora CEO Sharad Verma, who’s company has seen early success as a metrics tool for popular bookmarking site Pinterest. Rumors about our “departure” from Pinterest have been forming ever since we decided to change our name to Piqora. The name Piqora isn’t designed to move ...

The Birth of Node: Where Did it Come From? Creator Ryan Dahl Shares the History

We get a lot of great guests on theCube, but one of our most popular segments was with Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node, who tells us in his own words how his creation first came about. His story begins about seven years ago, when he saw a demo on Flickr, he believes, where one ...

Does the World Need Another Hadoop Distro? [And Other Themes Explored @Strata]

This year’s Strata conference focused on Big Data, Hadoop and the world of SQL and NoSQL. We were looking to answer three questions: does the world need another Hadoop distribution? How is Big Data impacting the current market? And, What is going on in the colliding worlds of SQL and NoSQL? So we searched for guests, such ...

Data Must Mate + Mutate to Become Smart Enough for Us

Ambient Intelligence is on the rise as companies look to create products that will act more like a best friend who knows everything about you and can predict what your next move will be, and less like a simple gadget used to make calls, text friends and make posts on Yelp from time to time. ...

Is HTML5 the Saving Grace for Windows 8 + PCs?

It looks as though Microsoft actually has a shot at competing with iOS and Android in BYOD. Mobile app developers have a growing interest in HTML5, especially for Windows 8, which is great news for Microsoft because HTML5 may as well be considered the saving grace for Windows 8. Microsoft needs to add as many ...

HOW TO Become a Data Scientist: 11 Universities to Study Big Data

Big Data has been a hot topic over the past year and it does not look like the hype surrounding the subject will wither away anytime soon. In fact, it will continue to grow in numbers and popularity. Wikibon recently came out with a report that showed last year’s Big Data market had reached $11.4 ...