Bev Bellile
Latest from Bev Bellile
How HCI is helping FedEx Services to better harness IT
For a shipping company like FedEx Corp., which deals with delivering packages across the globe every day of the year, it’s crucial that its technology be on-point. Packages that go astray due to problems on the information technology side can mean a loss of business and substantial amounts of money. FedEx Services, the IT and marketing arm ...
Surviving the multicloud milieu with evolving software as a service tools
To address the needs of the multicloud milieu that many companies are running today, VMware Inc. is providing enhanced cloud software as a service tools to cover analytics, automation, cost management and compliance. These tools provide a unified platform to help engineering and operations teams gain a clear view into the cloud via automated tools ...
Workspace One takes aim at unifying and securing the digital workplace
In the fluid workforce of today, where people work from home or from the road as much as they do from a desk in an office, it’s important for them to have freedom of choice in their devices, as well as a seamless, supported digital experience from their companies. Giving employees this sort of flexibility ...
VMware is on target to shape the future of cloud, analysts say
This year’s VMworld gave the Wikibon Inc. Research Team plenty of information to mull over this week. They found this year’s event to have a strong, coherent message detailing VMware Inc.’s transitioning cloud market direction evolving virtualization from cloud to edge. “I think that the next five years, VMware is going to be one of the ...
Cybersecurity that learns to automate itself in a complex cloud world
When cloud first became a viable computing technology, one of the biggest concerns involved security. The thought was, if you couldn’t touch the box, then how can you guarantee its security? As the years have passed and cloud technology has matured, many contend that data is now more secure in today’s cloud than residing on a legacy platform, thanks to ...
VMware defines the ‘big pillar’ supporting its cloud strategy
After 11 years, the VMworld conference has become well-known for attracting movers and shakers across the whole of the technology industry. While VMware’s annual show still focuses on hands-on, technical practitioners and middle management, more upper management folks are coming along to see what’s going on. “We are seeing more business executives come [to VMworld],” said Robin Matlock (pictured), chief marketing officer ...
VMworld’s two biggest moments in 2018, from Malala’s tech debut to AWS alliance
Five or so years ago, companies were strongly focused on public cloud trends. The message from the tech world was: Forget about on-premises, obliterate data centers, and just go completely public for your computing infrastructure. Companies quickly realized, however, it’s not as easy as they thought to refactor and migrate software applications to remotely managed, virtualized ...
Getting past the hype to choose the best multicloud partner
For many technology firms today, it can be difficult to choose between a plethora of cloud providers to find not just any software-defined solution, but one that can help manage data stored across disparate cloud environments. The key driver is to find a company that has the right infrastructure offerings, contextualized for the multicloud, to ...
Answering the call for the power of a multicloud world
According to many recent surveys, including those from International Data Corp., approximately 83 percent of information technology customers currently have a multi-cloud infrastructure. On average, they run four-and-a-half clouds, with anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000 apps, according to Suresh Sathyamurthy (pictured), global vice president of cloud and infrastructure solutions marketing at Dell Technologies Inc. Many times, these ...
NSX is the crown jewel of VMware’s multicloud future
The first day of the VMworld conference got started with a keynote address that may have felt like Christmas morning to some VMware Inc. customers. The company put a lot of networking and virtualization gifts under the tree for each attendee to unwrap. Much like a Santa Claus of cloud, Ray O’Farrell (pictured), executive vice president and ...