Blaine Vess

Blaine Vess is the co-founder and CEO of StudyMode, a world traveler, and a consummate risk taker. He’s guided StudyMode from a dorm room project to a network of sites that now reach millions of students across the globe. Blaine’s goal is for students and teachers to understand and embrace the changing role of technology in education. His day-to-day focus is to expand StudyMode into new services and markets.

Latest from Blaine Vess

Mobile Devices in the Classroom: The Argument for BYOD Implementation

The debate over Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in the workplace is over. It’s no longer a question of “should we allow employees to use their own devices,” it’s “how do we manage the IT process so they seamlessly can?” The entire corporate world has accepted mobile as a “sometimes difficult but ultimately necessary” part ...