Maria Deutscher

Maria Deutscher is a staff writer for SiliconANGLE covering all things enterprise and fresh. Her work takes her from the bowels of the corporate network up to the great free ranges of the open-source ecosystem and back on a daily basis, with the occasional pit stop in the world of end-users. She is especially passionate about cloud computing and data analytics, although she also has a soft spot for stories that diverge from the beaten track to provide a more unique perspective on the complexities of the industry.

Latest from Maria Deutscher

Google Releases 2 YouTube Updates, Extends Online Video Expectations

Today two major updates were released for YouTube. The first, announced in YouTube’s blog is an increase of the previous 15-minute user video length limitation. The specific amount of extra time this update adds to fully ‘legit’ users’ videos limitations was not disclosed in the blog post. “Starting today, we’ll begin allowing selected users with ...

Android Still Ahead of the Pack, Amazon and Intel’s Goals for Mobile

According to this PCMag coverage, there are around 300,000 Android Smartphone activations every day, as Google’s vice president of engineering Andy Rubin tweeted yesterday. Rubin was also at the ‘D: Get Into Mobile’ conference where he displayed a Honeycomb tablet for the first time, as well as the Nexus S Smartphone; additional ‘contributers’ to Android’s ...

comScore: Online Holiday Spending on the Rise

According to this latest comScore report, online U.S holiday spending crossed the $17.5 billion mark within just 35 days; a figure 12% higher compared to last year, continuing the last 5 years’ online retail growth trend. “Tuesday, November 30 reached $911 million, making it the third heaviest online spending day on record, with Wednesday ($868 ...

Blink! Facial Recognition fo Windows Log-In

Vista and Windows 7 (32/64 bit) users can now utilize Blink, a facial recognition utility which enables one to log-into their computer using a webcam. Users can still log-in using their passwords, as Blink records password log-ins, reports CyberNet News. “You can login day or night…Grow a beard or mustache, or shave it off. Use ...

Facebook Rolling out Mobile Privacy Controls

Facebook has announced in its blog today it’s rolling out its PC privacy controls to all of the social networking giant’s 200 million mobile users. This update will enable users to more effectively manage view and control the applications using their personal Facebook data. “A full list of all the applications you use, along with ...

Nexage Ads Get Rich with Media Connect

Nexage announced today the official release of Nexage Rich Media Connect or RMC, a mobile ad solution designed to scale mobile reach media and enable its clients to access large volumes of high-yield rich media ads. This is in addition to increasing the throughput and efficiency of ad campaigns while simplifying the overall related process. ...

PostPost and its Identity Crisis, Now on Facebook

TigerLogic just launched a real-time Facebook social newspaper PostPost, which is compiled from links, photos and videos a user’s friends share on the social networking site.  PostPost, written in JavaScript and built out of the Facebook Open Graph API, utilizes the Yolink search API and jQuery Masonry plugin to import data from Open Graph and ...

Online Video on the Rise

The online video industry some rapid growth in certain areas. As the industry tries to find more efficient routes to monetizing the greater and greater demand. In the past we’ve covered how some, including OnLive, take the ‘if you can’t beat them join them’ approach with the streaming giant, who has in turn seen an ...

Mobile Advertising Trends Take on the Market

According to a recent report released by IDC also covered by SFGate, Google and Apple currently hold the largest share of the mobile ad market, which may be fairly obvious for some, especially in light of the companies’ recent acquisitions. “But the mobile display ad market is still very fragmented, and no single company has ...

Facebook Expanding in D.C. for Progress with Privacy Issues

Facebook is expanding its Washington D.C office with the timely addition of privacy-related advocates, as its privacy issues raise more and more eyebrows from legislators. The company is currently amidst a search for a public-policy expert and a vice spokesman, followed by a recent appointment of a new head of office and the team of ...