Maria Deutscher

Maria Deutscher is a staff writer for SiliconANGLE covering all things enterprise and fresh. Her work takes her from the bowels of the corporate network up to the great free ranges of the open-source ecosystem and back on a daily basis, with the occasional pit stop in the world of end-users. She is especially passionate about cloud computing and data analytics, although she also has a soft spot for stories that diverge from the beaten track to provide a more unique perspective on the complexities of the industry.

Latest from Maria Deutscher

Apple Patents New Censorship Technology: Encore to Big Bro Status?

Apple, quite notorious for having a bit too much control over its products’ content than some would favor, has recently patented technology which would enable an even more advanced means of filtering communications on its devices. As reported here, this anti-sexting multifunctional parenting ‘innovation’ will be able to measure a message’s propriety  in relation to ...

Windows Phone 7 Plus Apple iOS: Pitting Against Android’s Chaos

Wired seems to think Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 OS, launched in the sea of Android, will make Android itself look all the more chaotic. That could very well be the case, and it’s really the only logical way for Microsoft to go.  It’s always held a higher level of control with integrated apps and device ...

Turns Out, Schools Cannot Spy on Students at Home via Webcam. PA District Settles for $610k

A recent U.S school system scandal involving a Pennsylvania district spying on students’ off-school activity throughout a program installed on their Mac laptops just ended in a $610K settlement in favor of the plaintiffs. Quoting PCMag: “The Lower Merion School District will pay a total of $610,000 to settle cases filed by students Blake Robbins ...

Cloudera’s Major Update for Hadoop CDH3

Hadoop-based data management software and services provider Cloudera has announced today its conclusive major update to CDH3, AKA Cloudera’s Distribution for  Hadoop. The wide-ranging, Apache licensed platform that enables customers to gain profit from their data has gotten several notably significant features, meaning a lot of added publicity along with its hot-out-the-oven update. “The focus ...

Android Market Updates Catch Up Users with the Rest of the Herd

Google and Android’s carriers have rolled out several low-profile updates for Android Market, transforming the Smartphone OS’s old navigation to a significantly more convenient and simplified one, that focuses on easier app search and managing. reports: “[Google and mobile carriers] have pushed out a silent, but quite nice, update to the Android Market on ...

Comcast Goes Mobile and Launches Xfinity Wi-Fi

Comcast is diving head-first into the Wi-Fi arena, offering Xfinity Internet customers the ability to access thousands of additional hotspots throughout the greater Philadelphia, a sizable area of NJ and northern Delaware. This is followed by an earlier Comcast announcement that introduced users the same ability, only in the Greater New York Tri-State area; the ...

Hulu Heading for IPO With a $200-300M Potential

As a source revealed, Hulu is planning an IPO which could raise anywhere between $200-300 million, and hoist its total value to right around a sweet figure of $2 billion; a respectable figure for the second largest video site in the U.S. As some insiders say, a filing by Hulu in the end of the ...

The Charitable GSMA’s $5 Billion Profit Potential

The GSMA, an international trade organization for mobile carriers including big names such as Vodafone, AT&T and Nokia is being led by vice president Hilary Clinton on a campaign to spread 150 million mobile phones among women in developing countries worldwide. The campaign, anticipated to conclude within the next 3 years poses a very appealing ...

Extra Features vs. Native Look Moves the Mobile Arena

Like with any other success story in the IT world, whenever a start-up or enterprise comes up with a really good and pioneering idea, there will always be at least half a dozen others who’ll come up with their own version of it, and outmatch the original architect in its own backyard. This time, this ...

The U.A.E Drops Ban Threat on RIM’s BlackBerry

Research in Motion and the United Arab Emirates had reached a settlement about the access and security concerns raised by the government regarding RIM’s BlackBerry e-mail and browsing services, as reported by the New York Times. “The U.A.E. telecommunications regulator said BlackBerry services were now “compliant with the U.A.E.’s telecommunications regulatory framework,” and that all ...