Maria Deutscher

Maria Deutscher is a staff writer for SiliconANGLE covering all things enterprise and fresh. Her work takes her from the bowels of the corporate network up to the great free ranges of the open-source ecosystem and back on a daily basis, with the occasional pit stop in the world of end-users. She is especially passionate about cloud computing and data analytics, although she also has a soft spot for stories that diverge from the beaten track to provide a more unique perspective on the complexities of the industry.

Latest from Maria Deutscher

Apache Attack : Darkleech Virus Drives Fear through Mystery [VIDEO]

According to a recent report from Cisco, a piece of malware known as Darkleech has infected tens of thousands of web servers running Apache v2.2.2 and above. SiliconAngle contributing editor John Casaretto provided more details on this latest cyberthreat on this morning’s NewsDesk segment (full video below). Casaretto starts by saying that Darkleech is all but ...

IBM’s New Big Data Solution Could Hurt Oracle’s New Sales

IBM spent $16 billion on Big Data acquisitions to assemble what Wikibon analyst Jeff Kelly calls the “broadest and deepest Big Data product and services portfolio in the industry.”  The sheer scope of the vendor’s line-up enabled it to outsell everybody else in this market for the last several years, but Kelly stresses that diversity ...

Microsoft Taking Its Sweet Time with Software-Defined Storage

Microsoft is one or two release cycles away from adopting software-defined storage, but customers can turn that into an advantage, according to Wikibon co-founder and chief analyst Dave Vellante. He outlined the company’s position in this market and detailed the best course of action for traditional Microsoft IT shops in his latest entry on the ...

Microsoft Not Satisfied with Windows 8 Growth : Updates to Boost Adoption

According to a recent study by  Net Applications, 3.17 percent of all personal computers run Windows 8. The figure represents a minor increase from the 2.67 percent that the web analytics firm reported in February. “Market share for Windows 8 in March was not very good,” Scott Lowe, the founder of 1610 Group told us in an interview this ...

HP to Unveil Project Moonshot Update on April 8

Hewlett-Packard will unveil fresh details on its Project Moonshot, the internal codename for an upcoming family of low-power hyperscale servers, later this month.   There’s no official confirmation yet, but it’s not difficult to put two and two together: the company sent out invites for a server-related launch event scheduled for April 8, and set ...

Aerospike Beats Out Cassandra, Couchbase + MongoDB : Handles Node Failure Like a Champ

Aerospike, a NoSQL database provider, has just earned some more bragging rights.  Thumbtack released a new report today titled “Failover Characteristics of Several Leading NoSQL Databases”. The paper is the follow-up to a January benchmark that found Aerospike’s offering performs up to 10 times better than competing solutions. This latest study compares how Cassandra, Couchbase, ...

Moonshot Could Pave the Way for HP’s Hyperscale Takeover

Last month Hewlett-Packard started shipping its extreme low-energy  (ETE) server for hyperscale environments. The box, the first of several models, is the product of a multi-year development effort dubbed Project Moonshot. HP launched the initiative in late 2011, which is presumably when management realized that it has to counterbalance the shrinking demand for PCs and ...

Cloud Review: Amazon and its Competition

This past week both Amazon and its rivals announced major product updates. The public cloud provider is tweaking its portfolio in order to increase its presence in the enterprise market, while competing vendors are doing everything they can to make sure that they won’t get stomped on in the process. Amazon launched a new security ...

Facebook’s Q&A Project Could be Bad News for Reddit, Quora

Last week Facebook rolled out threaded comments, a work-in-progress feature that lets you respond to comments directly. This much-needed addition ensures that replies reach the intended recipient instead of getting lost in the comment chain, an obstacle that made it fairly difficult to participate in conversations prior to the launch.  Here with his analysis on ...

The Secret Sauce Behind Fusion-io’s Latest Benchmark? Software [VIDEO]

Fusion-io recently published a report that showed its flash cards can deliver a record-breaking 9.6 million I/O  per second. Wikibon co-founder and CTO David Floyer discussed the benchmark and the secret sauce behind the firm’s latest technical achievement on the SiliconAngle NewsDesk show (full video below). Floyer elaborates on the fact that Fusion-io recorded 9.6 million ...