Duncan Riley

Duncan Riley is a senior writer at SiliconANGLE covering Startups, Bitcoin, and the Internet of Things. Duncan is a co-founder of VC funded media company B5Media and founder of news site The Inquisitr, and was a senior writer at TechCrunch in its earlier days. Tips? Press releases? Intersting startup? email: duncan@nichenet.com.au or contact Duncan on Twitter @duncanriley

Latest from Duncan Riley

Who said the hardware business was dead? Global server sales up, HP leads the market

International Data Corporation (IDC) has released its quarterly server tracker results, finding that the worldwide server market increased 4.8 percent year on year in the third quarter. The increase brought the market to $12.7 billion, the second consecutive quarter the server market has expanded on a year-over-year basis. Server unit shipments were up 5.7 percent to ...

Laptop, tablet and phone in one: the Dragonfly Futurefon

Ideal Lab Inc. is currently pitching its Dragonfly Futurefon on Indiegogo Inc.’s crowdfunding platform, an all-in-one device that is rather impressive. The Dragonfly combines a laptop, tablet and phone in one device, complete with two screens, a decently sized keyboard, a pop-out trackpad, built-in stylus, built-in tablet stand and USB ports. And it comes in two flavors: ...

Going up: Yahoo use triples on Firefox 34

Yahoo! Inc.’s deal with Mozilla Corp. to become the default search engine in the Firefox browser is paying dividends with stats released showing that Yahoo usage has tripled in Firefox 34 vs. Firefox 33. Web metrics company StatCounter reported that Yahoo usage on Firefox 34 in the U.S. on December 2 was 29.4 percent compared to ...

Want to hack a RFID card? There’s an app for that

Hackers in Chile have created and distributed an Android app that allows for easy RFID card hacking. The application ANDROIDOS_STIP.A, said to be “the first android application designed to attack NFC devices,” has primarily been designed to hack public transport cards. TrendLabs notes that the app has been distributed through forums and blogs to be used to hack ...

Suspect investment? Indiegogo has insurance for that

Indiegogo Inc. is giving fans of crowd-funding some insurance…literally, by offering insurance for investors if their funded product of choice goes bust. According to reports, Indiegogo is testing an “Optional Insurance” fee that provides a refund if backers do not eventually receive the product they’ve funded within three months of the promised delivery date. Proving that truth is ...

MasterCard urges regulation of Bitcoin in Australia

MasterCard Inc. has set its sights on Bitcoin, telling the Australian Government to impose regulations against the anonymity of the digital currency. In a statement to the Australian Senate Economics References Committee’s inquiry into into digital currency, MasterCard argued that more must be done to create a “level playing field” for payments systems. “Currently, digital currencies lack ...

Firefox wants in on iOS

Mozilla Corporation has expressed interest in bringing its Firefox browser to the iOS ecosystem. Mozilla’s Vice President of Firefox Jonathan Nightingale is reported to have made the disclosure to an audience at an internal Mozilla event, saying that “We need to be where our users are so we’re going to get Firefox on iOS.” The ...

Cyber Monday spending up with big growth in mobile

IBM and comScore Inc. have released their annual reports on Cyber Monday, both stating that spending is up this year, with a big increase in mobile device ordering. The IBM study found that online sales on Cyber Monday grew 8.5 percent compared to 2013, with mobile sales up 27.6 percent year-over-year. New York City remains the top city for online ...

Cicret bracelet could make other smartwatches redundant… if it’s real

A group in Europe is currently pitching the Cicret Bracelet, an armband that projects the content of your phone onto your arm, and allows you to interact with the projected content. The Cicret comes with an embedded memory card, processor, accelerometer, vibrator, USB port, Bluetooth functionality, and Wi-Fi. But the ingenious part is the inclusion ...

Hacking Wall Street: group targets publicly traded companies

Hacking has taken a new dimension, with a report claiming that a new group has been targeting companies for insider information to profit via market trading. FireEye, Inc. has released an intelligence report that details a financially motivated “threat group” that has been carrying out attacks against publicly traded companies in an attempt to game ...