Gabrielle Stenzel

Latest from Gabrielle Stenzel

From proprietary to open source: The new landscape of the software industry

Open source is now the standard for the software industry. Proprietary software is no longer the Goliath it once was. As the demand for more transparency yet better security increases, the challenges that arise from that put into question who is liable for that? “I know that there’s a lot of people in the industry, and ...

Telecom Infra Project and Dell work to advance Open RAN innovations

As 5G continues to deploy and evolve globally, disaggregation becomes more essential to society’s progress. Open Radio Access Networks allow for leveraging multi-vendor solutions.  The Telecom Infra Project, know as TIP, founded in 2016, is working to drive infrastructure solutions to advance global connectivity. “Telecom Infra Project is a U.S. based non-profit organization community that brings different ...

Dell and Red Hat team up to evolve open telecom networks

Ensuring reliability in the telecom field continues to be top of mind, especially in the wake of a global pandemic. Key partnerships are forming to create purpose-built infrastructure, such as the latest “team-up” between two industry leaders: Dell Technologies Inc. and Red Hat Inc. Dell recently announced a new offering aimed at open telecom networks: Telecom ...