
Latest from holdenpage

The Slippery Slope of an App Store, and Why Windows Should Never Adopt It

The Mac App store has launched. My initial reaction to the news? Interesting, but does not apply to people like me. After all, I know how to use Google search, and find the apps I want. Actually, if I am being quite honest, I am feeling a little insulted that Apple thinks I need an ...

What’s Better Than Zune? Zune on Mac

I may be a Mac user, but that does not make me an Apple fanboy. If anything, it makes me more critical of Apple, and has intensified my hatred of iTunes, while simultaneously increasing my desire for the Zune software to dominate my local media world. In my Apple world, there are typically only two ...

College Football Gets Virtually Competitive With XBox

Ever since my freshman year in High School, I’ve had a lack of interest in football. Now, I was a damn good running back, but when a guy twice your size  takes you down a few times re-evaluation of one’s choice in sport can become necessary. So this article really only pertains to people like ...

Microsoft a Top 10 Innovative Company

Well slap me silly, then place me in a box and shake me ’round, Microsoft is considered *gasp* innovative. So why the love from The Street? We have the Xbox 360, and the amazing Kinect to thank. With 2.5 million Kinect devices sold in 25 days, and the Xbox 360 pulling through as an amazing ...

Places and Tagging Now Available For “1.5 Million” WP7 Users

Or is it really 1.5 million WP7 users? I don’t know, and I wish I cared more. I’ve never been a numbers guy, and personally, I was more excited to see that the WP7 Facebook app has recently been shown some necessary love. (Sorry Steven.) The two largest updates being featured is the ability to ...

Cable 360′ed? Their Best Chance is Now

Rumors are flying that Microsoft is in talks with TV providers to offer users a subscription based TV content next year. The reports, originating from Reuters, are sparse,  but this has not stopped the tech world from pontification. Business Insider has already deemed the thought of Microsoft making another run for TV a fanciful thought ...