James Farrell

James Farrell is the former editor-in-chief of Chiang Mai CityNews, where he wrote and managed daily news, features, op-eds and blogs on a diverse range of topics. Prior to this, in the same city of Northern Thailand where he lives, he was the longstanding deputy editor of the monthly magazine Citylife. He has written on culture, politics, travel, tech, business, human rights, for local, national, and international news services and magazines. He has a keen interest in the role technology is playing in the transformation of society, culture and politics, especially in developing nations. This is reflected in his not-so-successful first novel.

Latest from James Farrell

Google will invest $1 billion in San Francisco Bay Area housing projects

Google LLC will invest $1 billion to build houses in the San Francisco Bay Area, the company announced Tuesday. The housing crisis and homelessness in the area has largely been blamed on the tech industry for how it has pushed up the price of housing by creating so many jobs in the area. According to the ...

The UK’s digital bank Monzo is coming to the US

The U.K.’s so-called “bank of the future,” Monzo, is launching stateside, the company announced Thursday. The bank has gained popularity in the U.K. over a short period of time. Since it launched in 2015, its customer base has grown to 2.2 million people. Unlike traditional banks, there are no brick-and-mortar outlets, so all the banking is ...

Ford to test next-generation autonomous cars in Detroit

Ford Motor Co. announced Wednesday that its next-generation self-driving cars will soon be rolling around the streets of Detroit and its Corktown neighborhood. Argo AI, Ford’s autonomous vehicle arm, said in a press release that Detroit will only see the new third-generation Ford Fusion Hybrid. Older models have already been tested in Pittsburgh, Palo Alto, ...

Deep fake video of Mark Zuckerberg used as warning sign of things to come

A faked video of Facebook Inc. Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg talking like a technological tyrant will not be taken down, according to a report first published by Vice Tuesday. The very realistic video that appeared on Instagram has the Facebook boss saying things in line with the criticism that has been showered on him from ...

Facebook AI researchers have cloned Bill Gates’ voice with uncanny accuracy

Researchers at Facebook Inc. have managed to clone Microsoft Corp. Bill Gates’ voice so well you won’t be able to tell it’s machine-generated speech. Sean Vasquez and Mike Lewis at Facebook AI Research said Monday they’ve been working on trying to mimic human speech for some time, something that’s clearly difficult given that even the ...

Microsoft pulls massive facial recognition database from internet

Microsoft Corp. this week discreetly pulled a facial recognition database from the internet, according to a report published Thursday. Built back in 2016, the database known as MS Celeb at one point contained 10 million images featuring about 100,000 people, said to be the largest database of its kind. It was only supposed to contain ...

YouTube begins massive crackdown on dubious and hateful content

Google LLC-owned YouTube announced Wednesday that a purge will take place that could see many thousands of channels removed from the site. The company said in a blog post that it’s in the process of removing content that violates its policies faster, while making sure borderline content doesn’t spread far and authoritative content gets seen more. ...

Tech giants sign letter condemning UK agency’s plan to spy on encrypted messages

Microsoft Corp., Google LLC, Facebook Inc.-owned WhatsApp and Apple Inc. have signed a letter condemning a U.K. government agency’s proposal to spy on its citizens. The letter, which has 47 signatories including tech firms, security experts and civil society groups, is highly critical of the Government Communications Headquarters or GCHQ proposal to enable eavesdropping on encrypted chats. ...

Twitter delves into how to deal with white nationalists

Twitter Inc. is stepping into the delicate problem of what to do about white nationalism on its site. The problem is, do you ban a white supremacist who can manipulate a sentence in ways that don’t really make him look hateful of others. Do some of them have good points regarding certain topics, and should ...

Facebook and Twitter remove accounts linked to Iranian disinformation campaign

Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. said Tuesday that they have removed a number of accounts linked to an ongoing Iran-backed campaign to disseminate misleading content in the U.S. and other countries. In a blog post, Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook’s head of cybersecurity policy, said 51 Facebook accounts had been removed, as well as 36 Pages, seven ...