John Casaretto

SiliconANGLE's CyberSecurity Editor - Have a story tip or feedback? Please reach out to me! Security is as critical as ever and our mission is to uncover those stories that will help our industry be more secure.

Latest from John Casaretto

Iran Just Says No to Social Media

An AP report indicates that Iran is in the development process of building software designed to control access to social media within the country.  This means that the government will ultimately dictate and approve access to Facebook, Twitter, and other similar networks, ostensibly under the guise of protecting the public from malicious content and allowing ...

The Consumer Electronics Show Has Deep Meaning to the Enterprise

We’re witnessing all that the CES convention has to offer- a dizzying range of devices that range from useful and practical to strange – from forks that watch what you eat to TV’s that have touchscreens and can recognize people’s faces, to the latest convertible touchscreen hybrid everything machine. It can be a little difficult ...

Ballmer Crashes CES – While Microsoft is Pretty Much All Over the Place

It turns out all the talk of Microsoft not being at this year’s CES was all for naught.  Microsoft is all over the place, and it was punctuated on the opening day with the unannounced appearance of Microsoft’s top dog Steve Ballmer in the midst of Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs’ keynote.  Jacobs had started with ...

Tech Products to Watch in 2013

There sure are a lot of “best of” lists out there this time of the year and they are going to vary wildly. SiliconAngle is all about the evolution of technology and emerging technology, so we’re taking a look ahead at some tech devices we are most anticipating in 2013. So here are my top ...

The Death of BYOD – Courtesy of Apple and Google

Let’s straighten a couple of things out – BYOD exists entirely because of Microsoft, not the iPad, and not because of any Android devices. The reason why is because of ActiveSync. An iPad without ActiveSync is a giant Kindle Fire – a consumption device. The same goes for Android devices and for both of those ...

Surface Pro and Windows 8 – Ending the BYOD Madness

Going beyond words of caution on taking too much from incidental information on the Microsoft Surface RT device, what if I told you that Windows 8 and the Surface device are set to completely dominate the business space?  What if I told you that not only is that going to happen, but that it looks ...

Jumping the Gun on Reports of Microsoft Surface Sales

Tablets are here to stay and the devices are huge consumer hits. Without a doubt they were front and center of holiday advertising and we are soon to find out how big of a seller they were this year – a trend that will continue in 2013.  It is hardly a surprise that a series ...

$47 Million Online Bank Hack Uses Smartphone Trojans, Botnet

Cybercrime against banking has officially embraced mobility. That’s the takeaway from an innovative fraud scheme emerging from Europe that involves dual infections of PC and smartphones. Reports have discovered a sophisticated malware and botnet system known as “Eurograbber” that has been used to steal over $47 million dollars from European victims to date. Similar to ...

Russian Cyber-gangster Plans to Rob Millions from American Banks, Offers Hacker Insurance

What would be the perfect bank heist? For a Russian cyber-criminal known as “Thief-in-Law”, he’s this figured out. By infecting hundreds of computers belonging to American bank customers, he plans on stealing millions of dollars in a little operation that has been dubbed “Project Blitzkrieg”. Blitzkrieg is German for “Lightning War” and is better known ...

2nd Watch Delivers Cloud-Based Cure for AWS Enterprise Billing “Pain”

If you’ve ever looked at your Amazon Web Services portal, hopped over to the billing information and wondered exactly what everything was doing, hoping for a better way to understand, create reports and audit the information being presented, well then you’re going to want to keep reading.  Out in Seattle, a company named 2nd Watch ...