Jeff Nolan

My name is Jeff Nolan and I write Venture Chronicles. What started, in 2002, as a simple initiative to understand this thing called “blogs” that I kept hearing about has evolved into something much more significant. Home About Venture Chronicles About Venture Chronicles My name is Jeff Nolan and I write Venture Chronicles. What started, in 2002, as a simple initiative to understand this thing called “blogs” that I kept hearing about has evolved into something much more significant. Along the way to becoming a bona fide blogger I started to understand the implications of user generated content. At the time I was a venture capitalist for SAP, the enterprise software company, and in my travels in the enterprise software market it became evident that blogging would be a powerful communication channel for enterprises to use, what we now call social media, and a powerful information collection mechanism for bottom up corporate intelligence. Combined with search technology, social networking software, and wikis, I was witnessing the inception of an entirely new generation of knowledge management software. I am currently the VP Product Marketing for Get Satisfaction, the simple and effective way to build online communities that enable productive conversations between companies and their customers. Over 50,000 companies use Get Satisfaction to create a social support experience, build better products, realize SEO benefits, and take advantage of brand loyalty behaviors that results in strong word of mouth marketing experiences in the market. I can be reached at jnolan-at-gmail-dot-com.

Latest from Jeff Nolan

How To: DIY with Solar

I’ve been thinking about installing a solar system on our home but the costs, even with tax incentives, are pretty significant when you take into account the rate at which you will pay back the original investment. While we have no intention of selling our home in the near future, it could happen and I’m ...

There is No RSS Reader Market

Richard McManus writes that the RSS market is in disarray. Specifically what he is saying is that the market for RSS client applications has gone sideways, he isn’t touching the other half of the equation, which is what publishers are doing with RSS. I wrote about the second half a while back in what was ...

CleanTech Blunders: PG&E’s Smart Meters

Yesterday my pal Tom Raftery posted about PG&E’s smart meter rollout in Californiaa nd problems customers were experiencing, and he featured some comments that I made during a phone conversation we had. “It seems that PG&E’s smart grid rollout is woefully under-resourced at the back-end. What PG&E should have is a system where customers can ...

Analyst Reports are So 1.0

Mary Meeker (yep she’s still rowing that same boat) came out with the mother of all reports on the mobile market: We decided to create The Mobile Internet Report largely in PowerPoint and publish it on the web, expecting that bits and pieces of it will be cut / pasted / redistributed and debated / ...

I Want My M(obile) TV!

This study falls under “stating the obvious” but it is interesting nonetheless for 2 reasons, the mobile component and broadband/TV convergence. Nearly half of Internet users would be interested in watching TV on their netbooks, cellphones and other devices, according to a new study set to be released Wednesday by a coalition of public and ...

Cleantech is the Trendy Bandwagon, but it has Its Limits

  I just watched a segment on one of the financial channels featuring venture capital investment in cleantech. I have mixed feelings on this, which is to say that I see this as a rich investment category but one that has many unfamiliar obstacles for Silicon Valley investors. Cleantech investing is a major next wave ...

FCC Admits That CableCARD is a Failure

Yep, total failure. There is no real 3rd party marketplace for CableCARDs and what the network operators provide is limited in functionality while costing the same as a set top box (e.g. Comcrap’s CableCARD doesn’t support on demand). On top of everything else, the signal processing capabilities in the CableCARDs was suspect, in my own ...

Ron Paul Wins? The Stimulus Backlash

[Editor’s note: Jeff Nolan is a longtime member of the SiliconANGLE community, and many of his posts we syndicate from his personal blog.  If you are interested in the politics of economics, there’s a whole other side to his posts that get a lot of air on his personal blog that don’t always make it ...

Get Ready for the Much Smaller AOL

AOL’s strategy, the latest new one, is to shift away from being an ISP to being a “next generation publishing” entity. Without parsing what it means to be “next generation” when you are doing what Yahoo has been doing for years, this sounds like a reasonable strategy but the anchor that weighs it down is ...

Droid Hands-On Review: “I Like My iPhone Better”

My wife came home with a Droid yesterday, which on one hand was pretty cool while on the other very disturbing as she is by no means a geek and not once did she ask for my opinion on this device. I suspect that some kind of counseling may be necessary. Having had the opportunity ...