Jeff Nolan

My name is Jeff Nolan and I write Venture Chronicles. What started, in 2002, as a simple initiative to understand this thing called “blogs” that I kept hearing about has evolved into something much more significant. Home About Venture Chronicles About Venture Chronicles My name is Jeff Nolan and I write Venture Chronicles. What started, in 2002, as a simple initiative to understand this thing called “blogs” that I kept hearing about has evolved into something much more significant. Along the way to becoming a bona fide blogger I started to understand the implications of user generated content. At the time I was a venture capitalist for SAP, the enterprise software company, and in my travels in the enterprise software market it became evident that blogging would be a powerful communication channel for enterprises to use, what we now call social media, and a powerful information collection mechanism for bottom up corporate intelligence. Combined with search technology, social networking software, and wikis, I was witnessing the inception of an entirely new generation of knowledge management software. I am currently the VP Product Marketing for Get Satisfaction, the simple and effective way to build online communities that enable productive conversations between companies and their customers. Over 50,000 companies use Get Satisfaction to create a social support experience, build better products, realize SEO benefits, and take advantage of brand loyalty behaviors that results in strong word of mouth marketing experiences in the market. I can be reached at jnolan-at-gmail-dot-com.

Latest from Jeff Nolan

Buying Influence

I Read this, and found it really provocative. Despite this data, many marketers are on a seemingly relentless quest to beef up their own social network profiles and reach users with lots of friends and followers. In the Vocus-Solis study, 57% of respondents said they’d be willing to pay for an influencer to help them ...

A Teachable Moment in Customer Service

Last week I stopped at a gas station to fill up and my credit card was declined. This was very distressing to me because I am obsessively fastidious about paying our bills, to the point that I pay my visa and amex bill in full as soon as I get it and sometimes I will ...

Jeff Nolan Joins Get Satisfaction; Company Raises $6 Million in Series A

[Editor’s Note: A hearty congratulations to SiliconANGLE contributor Jeff Nolan. Jeff has been and continues to be one of the pillar contributors to SiliconANGLE from the very early days, and we wish him well at his future endeavors with a true emerging Web 2.0 success story in GetSatisfaction. Jeff Nolan cross-posted this at his personal ...

Craigslist and the Nuances of Illegal Sex

It’s the issue that just won’t go away. I wrote about this over a year ago, here and here. The New York Times makes a ridiculous assertion that Craigslist has removed the section and replaced it with the word “censored” as a ploy to inflame public support. It is a ridiculous assertion because the only ...

I Don’t Think That Word Means What You Think It Means [Web is Dead]

There is so much to like in this well written rebuttal to the much talked about Wired cover piece titled “The Web is Dead” (maybe they should have titled it “Wired is Relevant Again!”) that I will leave you with the opening graph and trust you to click the link and read it in entirety. ...

The Effect of Market Forces on Arbitrage and Efficiency [The Yahoo Case Study]

I just read Paul Graham’s excellent post on what happened to Yahoo and this one paragraph jumped out at me: I didn’t realize the answer till later, after I went to work at Yahoo. It was neither of my guesses. The reason Yahoo didn’t care about a technique that extracted the full value of traffic ...

Mobile Review: The HTC EVO 4G

Two weeks ago I wrote about switching camps from iPhone to Android, and with the news today that Android is now outselling iPhone I figured I could either take credit for the shift or do something far more useful and write a short post about my experiences so far. To recap, I dumped iPhone/AT&T for ...

Forbe Issues Social Media Decree: “Everyone Blogs”

[Editor’s Note: This is a good thing – a practice we encourage here at SiliconANGLE, even amongst those that work with us who’s primary job function isn’t to write. –mrh] Every Forbes reporter will get a blog… this is smart because it forces the individual to build a distinct brand in the market and it ...

Re-Examining My Social Media Footprint

A couple of months ago I started to experience a phenomena that many of my social media peers have experienced, which is that I started losing track of tweets that contain links that I wanted to recall. In other words, I had tweeted so much stuff over the years (13k tweets) that I no longer ...

Why I Left the iPhone for the HTC Evo

This week I picked up an HTC Evo to replace my trusty iPhone 3G. My reason for doing this is twofold, featuring a technical and a philosophical reason. I should also take a paragraph to explain that this post isn’t about what device is better because better is an entirely subjective quality. More significantly, the ...