John Furrier

John Furrier is founder, co-CEO, of SiliconANGLE Media consisiting of,, and our AI Video Media Cloud. The combination of all these brands creates a new media company covering the intersection of computer science and social science. Furrier's vision is of a future that uses technology and data to create quality content and user experiences while creating and growing quality communities. Simply put: To extract the signal from the noise! Our motto: we cover everything "where Computer Science meets Social Science". Furrier lives in Palo Alto, California.

Latest from John Furrier

Analysis: The Yahoo Turnaround and the Packaging of Marissa Mayer – Silicon Valley Tech Athlete

The real Silicon Valley it’s about the tech athletes.  The entrepreneurs, investors, risk takers, innovators, and executives who make things happen and operate at a high level.  Yahoo’s new CEO Marissa Mayer is one of those tech athletes and Yahoo the company is still in the major leagues with hundreds of millions of active users. ...

Cloudera’s Omer Trajman Joins Hot Silicon Valley Startup Wibidata To Run & Scale Field Ops

Wibidata, a hot Silicon Valley, announced on their blog yesterday that Cloudera alpha geek Omer Trajman, has joined Wibidata to head up and scale the company’s field operations. WibiData is defining a new space in Big Data, focusing on solutions that use all the data an organization has to create more people centric applications.  Omer ...

Keeping the Founders Around – Founders are Tech Athletes

Founders are what I call “tech athletes”. Founders are the warriors who take the chances and big risks that no one will dare to take. In the world of venture capital, there’s a term that surfaces when investors encounter founders who refuse to relinquish control over their vision: “founderitis.” This term is often wielded with ...

Guest Post: Why Microsoft is Committed to Hadoop

Guest Post from Dave Campbell of Microsoft on their Big Data strategy and why they chose Hortonworks over Cloudera. Last February at Strata Conference in Santa Clara we shared Microsoft’s progress on Big Data, specifically working to broaden the adoption of Hadoop with the simplicity and manageability of Windows and enabling customers to easily derive ...

Breaking Analysis: Violin Memory Systems Going Public at $2b Valuation – Violin IPO

Bloomberg is reporting that Violin Memory is going public at a $2 billion dollar valuation. According to Bloomberg, Violin IPO  is being led by JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), Deutsche Bank AG (DBK) and Bank of America Corp. (BAC).  The timing and price of the offering have yet to be determined but the report is that the valuation will ...

Microsoft Punches Back: Responds To Scathing NY Times Article on Cloud Factories – Our Summary

Microsoft responses to the NY Times article (series) called Cloud Factories.  Here was my response yesterday on SiliconANGLE.   New York Times took a cheap shot at Microsoft on a story saying Microsoft was an evil corporate overlord dictating their control over a small rural town.  Scathing actually, and wrong.   Today, Brian Janous of ...

Cloud Factory Series: Datacenter Innovation Advancement Not About Power, Pollution, and Internet

Breaking Analysis: The NY Times article published over the weekend on datacenter power is a rehash of old data and old concepts that no longer apply to today’s datacenter market.  Another one is up today called Data Barns in Farm Town, Gobbling Power and Flexing Muscle. The NYT article has pulled together a lot of unrelated industry ...

Apple iPhone 5 – Official Release

Apple is dominating the Internet every time they put out an iPhone. Today, they introduced the Apple iPhone 5. What’s interesting is the evolution of the iPhone vs Android. Here is an interesting picture of the iPhone vs Android innovation rollout. Here is the full press release Apple Introduces iPhone 5 Thinnest, Lightest iPhone Ever ...

Cloud Cold War – No Nukes Please – Weapons of Mass Abstraction

Chris Hoff the most excellent theCUBE guest was inspired to write a post titled “The Cuban Cloud Missile Crisis…Weapons Of Mass Abstraction”.  This was a topic that we discussed at length on’s theCUBE at VMWorld2012 –   As John Furrier, Dave Vellante and I were discussing on theCUBE recently at VMworld 2012, there exists an ...

Mobile Revenue Will Soar for Facebook, Millennial Media and Mobile Social Media Revolution

According to eMarketer report cited in the Wall Street Journal, the mobile revolution will be a lift for Facebook.  Companies pioneering this effort like Millennial Media , Apple, and Google Admob will contribute to this new mobile platform trend. Despite worries about Facbeook’s ability to make money from mobile devices, new research predicts the social network’s ...