Kathryn Buford

As a scholar, social entrepreneur, and consultant, Kathryn has led and consulted on projects for The Embassy of Jamaica, Americorps, BBC, Sony Entertainment, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and various small businesses, creative agencies, nonprofits and media brands. Her writings and commentary have appeared in publications like BBC, GOOD, CNBC and Live Unchained -- her former blog (of 6 years) for women and creatives across the African Diaspora. She holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Maryland, College Park with concentrations in social theory and social and cultural entrepreneurship.

Latest from Kathryn Buford

When the Economy Gets Tough, Social Change Gets Tougher

Walden University introduced a new infographic based on its 2012 Social Change Impact Report. The second in an annual series, the international study explores who is engaged in social change efforts as well as how and why they work to better social conditions. Researchers surveyed nearly 9,000 individuals across Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, Germany, ...

HTML5: The Bottom Line for Marketers

Offering easier design, faster development and visually dynamic features, leading websites like Google, Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia and Twitter are already using HTML5 ahead of it’s official 2014 release. But, what does the new language, poised to be the future of the web, mean for marketers? Mainly, greater reach at reduced cost. Uberflip‘s recent infographic, “HTML5: ...

Data Visualization for a Better Society

In his “Data Visualization for Social Change” South X Southwest talk, Mapping Worlds director, Desmond Spruijt, founder and director of Mapping Worlds states: “The power of data visualization as a tool for social change can no longer be ignored. Successfully illustrating vital data can help advocates maximize the impact of sound science in public debate ...

Tech Soldiers in the Arts Army

Donors to cultural organizations and non-profits typically don’t like to see their financial contributions going towards overhead costs, but programming. Unfortunately, when staffs are underpaid (which they usually are), the organization experiences high turnover and the quality of services and products suffer. Keeping employees, donors and the larger community happy as a non-profit organization on ...

Big Data on the Fast Track – Harnessing Data Analysis to Improve Transport Networks

IBM continues to take important strides in giving big data ideals real world applications. Veolia Transdev and IBM are now partnering to develop a mobility solution that helps cities alleviate road congestion, optimize transportation infrastructures, improve travel in metropolitan areas and cutting financial costs. The smarter mobility solution combines Veolia Transdev’s expertise in the public ...

Enkitec’s Sumneva Acquisitions Means Enhanced Big Data Solutions

When it comes to realizing the potential of Big Data, clients need new technologies, tools and approaches. After several years of collaboration, Enkitec, an Oracle-centric IT solutions consulting firm, has acquired Sumneva, an Oracle Application Express (APEX) firm to offer enhanced data solutions to clients. Two of Sumneva’s proprietary products, now called eFramework and eSERT ...

James Bond of Data Sees Social Change, Careers in Data Science

DataKind pairs great data scientists with governments, non-profits and NGO’s that address social problems. Harnessing Big Data to make sense of complex problems like racial discrimination in New York and the utility of financial services in South Africa, DataKind illuminates processes that would have otherwise been difficult and costly to understand for organizations with often ...

Predictive Analytics World Conference Cuts the Jargon, Gets Practical

Bruno Aziza, former Business Intelligence leader at Microsoft, opened his Predictive Analytics World keynote speech with the classic Saturday Night Live “Bad Idea Jeans” sketch. This feature shows men who, believing they know what they’re talking about, actually share some bad ideas like Mike Meyers stating: “Now that I have kids, I feel a lot ...

How Small Businesses Leverage Tech to Rival Big Brands

In an interview with Hortonworks co-founder Arun Murthy, John Furrier quipped that open source data companies are earning what amounts to a “rounding error” relative to heavy-hitters like IBM and EMC in terms of revenue.  While such companies aren’t generating big profits, Furrier adds, nevertheless, “the disruption you’re providing in their market is significant.” In ...

Converseon Gives Big Data a Human Touch and Added Value

Social data provides important insights into the desires, habits and inclinations of customers. While, many platforms survey customer remarks on social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, such technology is often limited in its “word-spotting” approach which, taken out of context, may yield results irrelevant to a client’s research aims.  Converseon’s new text analytics service ...