Kyt Dotson

Kyt Dotson is a Senior Editor at SiliconAngle and works to cover beats surrounding DevOps, security, gaming, and cutting edge technology. Before joining SiliconAngle, Kyt worked as a software engineer starting at Motorola in Q&A to eventually settle at where he helped build a vast database for pet adoption and a lost and found system. Kyt is a published author who writes science fiction and fantasy works that incorporate ideas from modern-day technological innovation and explore the outcome of living with those technologies.

Latest from Kyt Dotson

From Primer to Pro : Software-Led Infrastructure for John Doe & CIOs

Welcome to the second-to-last week of March, and Software Led-Infrastructure is the best horse out of the gate in the tech industry. For CIOs this is a big deal—and for non-CIOs in the audience here’s a very good primer into what SLI is, and what it means for us. On the SLI front, Oracle is not standing ...

Bitcoin Value Hits $70 and Keeps Climbing; Cyprus Bailout Connection Speculated

Bitcoin has seen a sudden and remarkable boost in value over the past few days that coincides with talks by cash-strapped Cyprus to raid their banking system in order to pay a $13 billion bailout tab—a reporter at BGR noticed that Spaniards became suddenly interested in a trio of iOS Bitcoin apps. Since the bailout ...

Abusing the Cloud: When Solo Games Get Connected

Recently, EA came out with the most recent installment of SimCity–a game that didn’t classically contain multiplayer and spoke to more or less a core solo-player audience. However, in EA Maxis’s infinite wisdom SimCitty 5 was launched to be always-online and multiplayer only. Hence the name of this sort of game “always-connected” referring to the ...

The Revolution Will Be Augmented: OWS Should Embrace Google Glass

The newest threat to public privacy is barely out of the gate and already speculation is wild about how Google glass will be used. Thoughts on how it will lead to a black eye or being banned from a bar have already been leveled; but its certainly not the first wearable, streaming camera to be ...

Anita Sarkeesian’s Tropes Vs Women in Video Games Debuts: “Damsel in Distress – Part 1”

The first video of Anita Sarkeesian’s “Tropes vs. Women in Video Games” series is out–“Damsels in Distress – Part 1”. There’s quite a bit of history behind this video and a lot of reaction to wade through; but for those interested in the video, it’s imbedded in this article. Sarkeesian has become something of a ...

Mojang Targets Family-Friendly Gaming With Minecraft Realms

Minecraft is a video gaming and social phenomenon that has made deep waves across the industry. As a game it has inspired gamers and educators alike; but it’s still primarily a single player game with multiplayer attached by allowing an instance of Minecraft to act as a server–this has given rise to a number of ...

Google Reader to Close Up and Blow Away in July

With a popup and a smile, Google has announced that it’s extinguishing Google Reader–arguably the world’s most popular RSS feed reader in existence–on July 1st, 2013. After seven years of operation, the search giant is closing the service citing the decline of RSS in the face of Twitter and other sites delivering news bites. The ...

Breaking: Disagreement Between Bitcoin Clients Generates Fork

Due to a difference between two versions of the Bitcoin client (running v0.7 and v0.8 respectively) a fork has occurred when v0.8 clients generated a block that v0.7 blocks could not process. As a result, the two clients diverged and generated different, separate Blockchains—the functional way that Bitcoin transactions and wallet balances are recorded and ...

BitInstant Social-Engineering, DNS Hijack Hack Ended With $12,480 Worth of Bitcoins Stolen

Last Monday, BitInstant announced the results of having suffered a successful social engineering hack that ended with them losing approximately $12,480 USD worth of BTC (believed to be ฿999 BTC). The attacker, who used socially engineered information in order to take control of the DNS registrar and redirect connections away from BitInstant’s servers and gain access ...

Riverbed Announces Community-Centric Spash and Developer-Friendly FlyScript for Software-Defined Networking

Today Riverbed, an application performance company, announced a suite of new tools provided to developers that will greatly enhance their ability to perform DevOps duties. Amid these, management elements such as in FlyScript—a software-defined scripting language for acting on networking—and a highly integrated developer community called Splash. FlyScript is the brand name for this entire set ...