Kyt Dotson

Kyt Dotson is a Senior Editor at SiliconAngle and works to cover beats surrounding DevOps, security, gaming, and cutting edge technology. Before joining SiliconAngle, Kyt worked as a software engineer starting at Motorola in Q&A to eventually settle at where he helped build a vast database for pet adoption and a lost and found system. Kyt is a published author who writes science fiction and fantasy works that incorporate ideas from modern-day technological innovation and explore the outcome of living with those technologies.

Latest from Kyt Dotson

IE9 Introducing “Tracking Protection” to Enhance Browser Privacy

In semi-recent news the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has been pondering a “Do Not Track” registry for the web and Microsoft has responded by attempting to shore up the blocking provisions in Internet Explorer 9. Although dubbed similar to a “Do Not Call” list, the new privacy protection in fact works a great deal more ...

Google Android Chief Unveils New Android Tablet

Amid the roar of the crowd and the unveiling of Gingerbread, Google appears to have taken a multipronged approach to the market and they’re revealing an Android tablet. The prototype tablet, made my Motorola Inc., would add itself to the already varied (but not well marketed) line up. Details are extremely sketchy, but according to ...

Apple’s Patent May Bring 3D-TV into the Living Room

Science fiction has brought us visions of holographic visualization right in our living room but the current technologies to deliver this sort of experience have been somewhat unappetizing. Either they require an annoying set of glasses or produce a surface effect with an extremely narrow viewing range. Both of these make current 3D technology onerous ...

Google Maps on Android Brings Us 3D and Offline Access

Google Maps combined with GPS happens to be a powerful flagship product that weds both an excellent direction and mapping service on the Internet with location finding on mobile phones. And it’s about to get better for Android users. Google is working to upgrade their mapping offering for mobile phones with much cleaner data structures, ...

Loopt Updates Location Sharing with Application Re-design

The last time we heard about Loopt, they just launched an update that enabled a massive integration with Facebook—and then they fell off the radar with Facebook Places and Foursquare dominating the social location scene. Not to get left behind, Loopt quickly sprang forward to re-design their application and make location and check-in the center ...

Verizon May Be Looking to Cut a Deal with Apple for iPhone

It’s like shaking the Magic 8-ball, this article from Electronista mentions a lot of sources mentioning a possible deal between Verizon and Apple. Right now, the wireless carrier markets Android with a vengeance, perhaps as a response to AT&T exclusive embrace of the iPhone, but this might be changing. It would seem that Verizon wants ...

Nexus S and Android 2.3 Gingerbread Announced by Google

Google just announced the first device to ship with their newest Android OS: the Nexus S. It will ship with the Android 2.3 platform, dubbed Gingerbread, alongside this launch, Google has announced the SDK which will allow developers to produce bigger-and-badder apps for this new OS version. In a post on the Google blog, the ...

The Massive Success of Netflix Churns Industry Reaction

With the proliferation of Internet connected set-top devices that enable the streaming of online video to televisions. This move opens up streaming Internet video to a much broader audience than those who watch television and movies on their computers and Netflix—who grew up on a DVD-by-mail model—have been offering streaming video for some time and ...

Skype, Yahoo, eBay, and Others Plead with UK Government Over Net Neutrality

The UK communications minister, Ed Vaizey, gave a speech November 17th about his stance on net neutrality in the United Kingdom. In the speech, he specified that the government would retain net neutrality, but only pursue it lightly—the relative limpness of his wording lead many to believe that this would enable ISPs and others to ...

Chrome 8 Enhancements Include PDF Security

Adobe’s PDF format is the most popular printable-document format ever and it’s almost impossible to find a computer, device, or media viewing application incapable of displaying one. As a result, it’s also become a favorite target for worms and viruses, as extremely prevalent code therefore becomes a center of attention. Amid a myriad of security ...