Kristen Nicole

Named by Forbes as a top influencer in Big Data, Kristen Nicole is currently a Senior Editor at She got her start with 606tech, a Chicago blog she dedicated to the social media space, going on to become the lead writer and Field Editor at Mashable. Kristen Nicole has also contributed to other publications, from TIME Techland to Forbes. Her work has been syndicated across a number of media outlets, including The New York Times, and MSNBC. Kristen Nicole published her first book, The Twitter Survival Guide, and is currently completing her second book on predictive analytics.

Latest from Kristen Nicole

IBM Chooses Firefox, IE Holds Its Own

IBM has selected Firefox as its default browser, making a company-wide change that gives Firefox a needed ego boost. With browser competition heating up, Firefox has been kept on its toes to maintain growth, curb Google Chrome and retain its open source integrity. The nod from IBM not only validates Firefox, but promotes its use ...

Google Me Wouldn’t Be Any More Private than Facebook

Rumors of a new Google product that could blow Facebook out the water are gaining steam, with social media pundits weighing in on Twitter and elsewhere. Adding fuel is Google’s own CEO making vague comments about the launch of a social network. And as unfounded as the rumors are, the possible project is something that ...

Ding on Bing! Google Acquires ITA Software for $700M

Google has made another preemptive strike with its latest acquisition; ITA Software will soon be part of the Google family.  With a $700 million price tag, ITA remained in exclusive talks with Google, weeding out other travel search giants, including Kayak.  While Google looks to stay dominant over Bing as well, many in the travel ...

Sprout Integrates with DoubleClick, Offering Full-Service Ads

Remember widgets? Well, they’re still around, they’re just far more interactive. Sprout, the company that launched an impressive widget builder two years ago, is diving deeper into advertising, as it shifts its products to better suit today’s market. This has all led up to Sprout integrating with DoubleClick, adding the ability to serve ads as ...

Microsoft Kin Fail Spreading to Kinect: Wrong Target, Wrong Time

Microsoft has discontinued its Kin line, pulling back on a mobile device campaign aimed at teens. Low sales numbers is the reason Microsoft has given for its decision to discontinue the Kin just 6 weeks after a heavily promoted push, though the move probably does little to detract Microsoft from its long-term goals within the ...

Mobile Web Ads Increase 50 Percent in US: Mobile Mix Report

Millennial Media released its Mobile Mix Report today, confirming a lot of what you already thought of the mobile market–it’s still red hot. In the U.S., the mobile web continues to grow, increasing about 3% in April 2010, from 73.2 million users to 75.3 million. The report goes on to note the increasing levels of ...

Opower Uses Full-Service Approach for Rapid Start-Up Growth

Green tech and the practical can coexist. That’s the concept behind Opower, and so far it’s serving the company well. Opower has recently announced its expansion across the West Coast, reaching a benchmark for the start up as it seeks widespread adoption. With $14M in its latest round of funding and the recently appointed founder ...

EMI Launch on RecreateMyNight, Part of Un-Labeling Strategy

Major music label EMI’s Virgin Records has teamed up with social media platform RecreateMyNight to offer a multimedia outlet for fans to partake in a musical event. This week’s launch is to promote EMI’s band, The Constellations, embarking them on a social journey that comes with direct access to fans. The cooperative ideal towards an ...

Microsoft Office 2010 Validating Nordic River’s Text Flow

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Tomer Shalit, CEO of Nordic River. His company provides computing solutions for managing data, working alongside the tools you already have on your computer. As an enterprise solution, Nordic River is also able to work for team individuals, avoiding the top-down process of implementing new systems or software. ...

AdMob Reports Massive Smartphone Growth Since 2008, Apple and Android Reign

AdMob has released its May Mobile Metrics report today, outlining the rapid growth of smartphones over the past two years. The mobile ad network also noted that while smartphones have been quick to penetrate the global market, there’s still some disparities across regions, for the distribution of devices used to access the Internet. For this ...