Kristen Nicole

Named by Forbes as a top influencer in Big Data, Kristen Nicole is currently a Senior Editor at She got her start with 606tech, a Chicago blog she dedicated to the social media space, going on to become the lead writer and Field Editor at Mashable. Kristen Nicole has also contributed to other publications, from TIME Techland to Forbes. Her work has been syndicated across a number of media outlets, including The New York Times, and MSNBC. Kristen Nicole published her first book, The Twitter Survival Guide, and is currently completing her second book on predictive analytics.

Latest from Kristen Nicole

Open-Source Upswing, Red Hat Inc. Reports Good Year

Open-source is getting better and bigger. A growing trend in the business sector towards trusting open-source services has lead to a growth in the industry overall. This information was noted in a recent report by Accenture, and also confirmed by the exciting yearly performance of Red Hat, Inc. The report shows geographical and industry stats ...

Twitter Complies with FTC, Scrutiny is All the Rage

The FTC has ordered Twitter to be more transparent with its security measures and processes. The small size of Twitter’s team, its massive number of users and security vulnerabilities have left the microblogging site open to a handful of attacks in the past year or so. For a web-based start-up, it’s just part of the ...

iPhone Better than BlackBerry: How Apple Can Dominate the Business World

iPhone sales are gaining on BlackBerry’s, according to a report by Forrester Research. While RIM’s BlackBerry is still the most popular device for business users, the iPhone is closing the gap. In so many words, the iPhone is better than the BlackBerry, and RIM had better watch out, before it gets left in the dust ...

Twitter Tries More Upgrades During World Cup 2010

Facebook is holding on tight to its contact information, and Twitter determined to bring out the fail whale as many times as possible during the World Cup. After adding an update that would allow you to automatically follow your Facebook friends, Twitter’s new major feature was facing major problems. Users trying out the auto-follow were ...

Google Defeats Viacom in $1 Billion Lawsuit, YouTube Still a Battleground

Google gets its victory over Viacom, and big brand media overall. Is anyone surprised? The search engine giant seemed pretty confident in its acquisition of YouTube knowing the trouble it was in with Viacom. Many couldn’t wrap their heads around why Google would put so much money into a company that was being sued for ...

PapayaMobile Raises $4M for Android Game Platform, Playing iPhone Catchup

PapayaMobile has raised $4 million towards the launch of its new mobile social networking platform, which will be available on Android mobile devices. The move is smart for the Beijing-based company, as it already has over 3 million users, and is well-positioned to take on a global market. By opening up to third-party developers, their ...

Babbel Voice Recognition, myTouch Genius Button and Microsoft Xbox 360 Design

Online language-learning site Babbel has added voice recognition, giving users a real-time feedback system. As part of the lessons, users are encouraged to speak to the web-based Babbel site, where their pronunciation can be gauged and fine-tuned. Babbel has created a way to learn new languages by simply speaking to your computer. The feature allows ...

Primal Pages and Public API Customize Semantic Web Search

Primal is adding a few things to its semantic search tools today at the Semantic Tech Conference, including the launch of Primal Pages and the availability of its public API. The two new features are major announcements for Primal, as the company looks to grow its service-based offerings. Created as an infrastructure solution, Primal has ...

Posterous Gives Power to the Ning People, More to Come.

Posterous is moving towards blogging domination. Over the next 15 days, the simple blogging solution will enable free import options for a number of services, starting with Ning. TechCrunch surmises that WordPress is up next, but that leaves 13 more services for us to anticipate over the next two weeks. When it comes to stepping ...

Mark Zuckerberg Caught Off Guard by Popular Facebook Games

In an interview with Inside Facebook today, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg reflected on the past couple of years and how the social network’s platform has grown. Interviewer Justin Smith dug in for some insight specifically on the gaming industry, and how it’s affected (and been affected) by rapid and viral adoption on Facebook. Zuckerberg mentioned ...