Kristen Nicole

Named by Forbes as a top influencer in Big Data, Kristen Nicole is currently a Senior Editor at She got her start with 606tech, a Chicago blog she dedicated to the social media space, going on to become the lead writer and Field Editor at Mashable. Kristen Nicole has also contributed to other publications, from TIME Techland to Forbes. Her work has been syndicated across a number of media outlets, including The New York Times, and MSNBC. Kristen Nicole published her first book, The Twitter Survival Guide, and is currently completing her second book on predictive analytics.

Latest from Kristen Nicole

Inform Technologies Raises $4M towards Consumer-driven Semantic Web

Inform Technologies, a New York-based company providing semantic web solutions, has raised $4 million in a Series A round of funding. Led by previous backers Spark Capital, The Stephens Group and The Oklahoma Publishing Company, Inform Technologies has also brought on Tony Dunaif, former SVP at Internet Broadcasting, as the company’s new Chief Marketing Officer. ...

Facebook Will Have to Create Standards Around Mobile App Consumer Outreach

Keeping up with mobile demand is something Facebook should know all about. With an iPhone app update over the weekend, many device users were thrilled, but the rest of the mobile device world was feeling a little left out. iPad users are still awaiting a dedicated Facebook app, and Android users overall have seen less ...

TripIt Prints Travel Plans on Web-Connected Lexmark App

Most travel sites are becoming more digital with their processes; Orbitz has digital boarding passes, the Intercontinental Hotels Group is working on mobile apps as hotel room keys. But TripIt is returning to the tangible, with its new partnership with Lexmark. The new TripIt SmartSolutions makes it simple to print your travel plans, with cloud-computing ...

Cardmobili Brings European Loyalty Lessons to U.S.

Cardmobili launches its loyalty card service in the U.S. today, diving in head first to an increasingly competitive market. The company, which has an iPhone app, is based in Europe and is already off to a good start. One reason for that success is Cardmobili’s combining of cloud computing and a mobile presence, taking full ...

OneRiot on Monetizing Instant Gratification

Real time search engine OneRiot is launching an update, including the expansion of its search API with Facebook data, and new monetization options for developers. The news comes shortly after OneRiot brought the beta version of its real time advertising network to light, indicating that the company is progressing in its efforts towards this specific ...

Data Plans’ Business and the Role of Smart Phones

We like all the new smart phones coming out on the market, but how do the wireless providers feel about them? They’re generally happy, too. I’s opened up an entirely new business model for them, generating revenue hand-over-fist. All that data that’s running through our app-ridden smart phones is big business for companies like AT&T ...

More Privacy Backlash, Feel Sorry for Facebook Yet?

When will the tables turn for Facebook? The social network is getting even more backlash from privacy advocates demanding more control for users. As Facebook seeks growth and monetization, it’s uphill battle is looking to be filled with more obstacles than maybe even Mark Zuckerberg could have imagined. The price of being too popular Being ...

Report Says Net Neutrality Will Cost Billions in Losses

Today the Federal Communications Commission is voting on taking public comment on Chairman Julius Gnachowski’s proposal for more control regarding net neutrality. The idea here is that the FCC would have the power to impose rules for broadband and wireless service providers to allow all applications and devices on their networks. A study at the ...

AOL and Bebo, After the Break Up

It’s been confirmed that AOL has lightened its load some more, with the sale of Bebo. Criterion Capital Partners is the new owner of the social network, with the deal being led by managing partner Adam Levin. It may have been a bitter end to a short but bumpy ride, with AOL having far overpaid ...

Skype on Sony Ericsson Symbian Phones, and Beyond

Skype is getting more aggressive with its mobile roll out, by being friendlier. The VoIP service has released a version for Sony Ericsson Symbian phones, including the Satio, Vivaz and Vivaz Pro. The news comes at a pivotal point in Skype’s progression, as the mobile frontier becomes more welcoming and demanding of additional communication tools. ...