Kristen Nicole

Named by Forbes as a top influencer in Big Data, Kristen Nicole is currently a Senior Editor at She got her start with 606tech, a Chicago blog she dedicated to the social media space, going on to become the lead writer and Field Editor at Mashable. Kristen Nicole has also contributed to other publications, from TIME Techland to Forbes. Her work has been syndicated across a number of media outlets, including The New York Times, and MSNBC. Kristen Nicole published her first book, The Twitter Survival Guide, and is currently completing her second book on predictive analytics.

Latest from Kristen Nicole

Flock Leading the Migration to Chrome

The browser wars are heating up this week, with Flock delivering a blow with its move away from Firefox and towards Chrome. After six years with Firefox, the socially-enhanced Flock browser will be using Chromium, the open source code project for the Chrome browser. But why, exactly, is that such a big deal? It hints ...

AT&T, Apple Suspend iPhone 4 Sales. Great for RIM, HTC.

Can AT&T handle the demand of the new iPhone 4? Can Apple? The most reworked version of the iPhone is set to hit stores June 24, with thousands of customers having already pre-ordered the device. But between the high demand and waning customer service, AT&T and Apple have already begun to crack under pressure. Not ...

The World Cup Making Trouble for Twitter

Twitter has it all. Official apps on the major mobile platforms, an ad network, a URL shortener and analytics tracking for its advertisers. That should just about do it for Twitter, as it moves forward with its lengthy monetization process. What more could the social microblog need? Oh, that’s right. A functioning site. The World ...

Apple iPad, the World Cup and Mobile Security

Mobile security is gaining in importance, as we turn to our sleek devices to manage oh so many aspects of our lives. Mobile devices have become our personal assistants, wallets, maps, address books, televisions and libraries. They’ve become our digital meeting grounds, our written and spoken means of correspondence, and major business tools. One false ...

Microsoft Office 2010 Gets Social and Centralized

What a year for Microsoft. Little by little, the company is reclaiming the territory lost to competitors, namely Google. From its search engine to its social efforts, mobile to the PC, Microsoft is revamping several aspects of its company in order to make a bigger appeal to consumers. Microsoft Office 2010 has amassed great reviews ...

Stay 2.0 Launches Beta Amidst Social and Consumer Convergence

More travel news this week with the launch of Stay 2.0, the beta version of this destination guide. One of the biggest points of differentiation is the inclusion of several social and personalized features. The move by Stay comes at a time when the online travel industry as a whole looks to leverage social and ...

HTC Gets Closer to iPhone Territory with Aria on AT&T

HTC is quite the growing mobile company. It teamed up with Google Android to grand success, and is now becoming more central to the discussions around the expanding mobile industry. The latest HTC debut was the Aria, an exclusive handset offered only through AT&T. From the release: “Its unique combination of compact size and beautiful ...

Video Chat: Can Kinect Connect Kin to the Xbox 360?

Microsoft’s got its own emerging chat tool, though it’s not on a mobile device, or even a phone for that matter. The new video chat integration comes on the newly revealed Kinect, Microsoft’s latest announcement regarding its Xbox 360 game system. Unveiled at the E3 Conference this week, Kinect is one of the major announcements ...

SeaMicro’s Atom Out to “Greenify” Cloud Computing

The long-awaited details of the new SeaMicro server have been revealed, complete with 512 Intel Atom chips that reduce the size of the server, as well as its load. SeaMicro, which has raised $25 million in funding from Khosla Ventures and Draper Fisher Jurvetson, among others, offered a peek into their high-hope project earlier this ...

TripAdvisor Says Your Friends are Smart and Important

It’s summertime and I keep hearing the anthem on the radio, reminding me that I need to get out and enjoy the warm weather. A vacation, you say? Sounds fine! And where do you recommend I go? You can tell me straight through Facebook, thanks to TripAdvisor‘s new social integration. The added feature, called Trip ...