Madalena David

Latest from Madalena David

HP Finalizes Vertica Deal, Gains Altitude in Big Data

HP has big plans and one of them is to step into the cloud industry, and will be needing the proper tools to offer cloud services. Today’s announcement of finalizing the acquisition of Vertica Systems, the data management solutions provider, enables HP to utilize a real-time analytics platform for holding and analyzing at the same ...

Microsoft vs Apple vs Android: ‘J’accuse!’

At this precise moment, when the Android OS was starting to gain momentum, being adopted by more and more mobile device developers, Microsoft, developer of the Windows Phone 7, is filing another lawsuit against Android, slightly hinting at being somehow a means of giving pause to the Android OS. Microsoft is suing Barnes & Noble’s ...

Bing Gains in Online Video Sector, Seeks Ad Revenue

Online video has remained an attraction point for tech and marketing industries, generating billions of dollars from online advertising. Such a rich well of revenues has gained the interest of online video content providers that see more money coming from foreign markets, and plans for expansion are but one step away. In the second half ...

China’s Latest Retaliation Against Google Gmail

In the past few weeks and months civil unrest took over nations in the Middle East and in northern parts in Africa. Some of them are still happening and have been covered by Silicon Angle as such events impact on each aspect of the society, including social media, online communications and so on. Globalization and a ...

Industry Reactions to AT&T-Mobile Carrier Merger – 24 Hours Later

It’s been some time since AT&T announced its truthful intentions of buying out T-Mobile for $39 billion, a merger that will take place in about a year’s time. Most opinions on this buyout have been having a negative touch, regarding the deal as automatically increasing the prices, making carriers less interested in offering innovative products ...

In Hindsight: Japan’s Effect on Tech World

On the 11th of March, Japan was shaken by a powerful earthquake, leading to the loss of human lives and enormous financial losses as well. From a business point of view, the regretful event will have a considerable impact on all trading nations, on prices on the stock exchange and on trading at world level. ...

AT&T’s Major Takeover Hits Consumers with Typical Ma Bell Tactics

After rumors of a possible merger between US top mobile carriers T-Mobile and Sprint have been spread out, today’s news overturns everything. According to Forbes and other major publications, AT&T has publicly expressed its intentions of acquiring T-Mobile USA, leaving the first to pay a $3 billion break-up fee to the latter.Yet, some voices are ...

Mobile Reaches New Heights: Finds New Purpose in Japan, Payments Sector

The mobile industry is undergoing a massive evolution, filled with growing pains and innovation.  This past week or so, we’ve seen the industry at its best, providing access to victims of the Japan earthquake, and its worst, providing channels of communication for global viruses to take effect.Figures show that after the most recent Japan earthquake, ...

Spam Effects Japan Relief Efforts and Beyond

Spam has always been around, irritating us, preventing valuable information from being accessed and intoxicating our inboxes. A report released by Symantec Labs shows that 89% of all emails are spam and the centres of operation are in Eastern Europe and Russia where control over such activities is very superficial. At the moment, Internet connectivity ...

US Officials Take Another Stand Against Piracy

Digital piracy has been a very sensitive issue and during the last year there have been more or less bashful attempts of addressing this issue. Yet, 2 days ago, the Obama administration forwarded a recommendation to the Dept. of Homeland Security to classify the streaming of copyrighted video as a felony and also supported the ...