Mark Albertson

Mark Albertson is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s livestreaming studio. He is an experienced technology reporter, recognized by Onalytica as a "Who's Who In Cloud Influencer" and named to Peerlyst’s “24 Powerful Cybersecurity Journalists.” Prior to SiliconANGLE, Mark wrote for the San Francisco Examiner, Blasting News, and CBS-Bay Area.

Latest from Mark Albertson

Hortonworks enlists Apache Atlas to follow the trail of data breadcrumbs for GDPR

With the deadline for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation barely a month away, companies are looking for tools to track and identify any and all information on European citizens that could be contained in corporate databases. The law provides European citizens with the “right to be forgotten,” but to meet that standard, companies ...

Hortonworks co-founder outlines edge strategy and standards initiative for big data

In February, Hortonworks Inc. announced general availability of DataFlow 3.1, the company’s data-in-motion platform for edge and streaming analytics. The release provided further evidence that Hortonworks intends to include edge computing in its competitive strategy for the Apache Hadoop market. “That certainly has to be a part of our strategy because it is part of ...

Hortonworks’ Data Steward Studio release is both timely and reassuring

Tuesday’s release of a new service from Hortonworks Inc. for the security and governance of data assets — Data Steward Studio — was a positive addition for the enterprise computing community as the clock ticks toward the deadline for General Data Protection Regulation implementation on May 25. The regulation requires any company with data on European ...

Barracuda Networks puts teeth into public cloud firewall protection

When Tim Jefferson (pictured) was the head of security and networking business development for Amazon Web Services Inc., he gained insight into the friction that enterprise customers experienced when they moved data center security architectures into the public cloud. Inevitably, the pain points came from architectures that firewalls were deploying, designed to channel data center ...

Cisco looks at blockchain and IoT for managing supply chain risk

Value chain security is an important component of the cybersecurity strategy for Cisco Systems Inc. The networking hardware provider manages a coordinated program spanning manufacturing, technical services and engineering teams to implement a comprehensive global supplier and channel partner security approach. Managing supply chain risk requires a comprehensive approach over the complete product or process ...

Hackers operate in the clear with all the social media and hardware resources they need

Interested in becoming a hacker? Not exactly sure where to start? No worries. Forget about looking for the necessary tools on the dark web, that corner of the internet reachable only through special software. Most of what’s needed is available on the open internet and the cost ranges from minimal to free. If people are ...

RSA’s president sees cybersecurity silver linings while others hear music on the Titanic

RSA Security LLC President Rohit Ghai delivered his opening keynote at the RSA Conference in San Francisco today with a surprisingly optimistic view of the trouble-plagued cybersecurity industry. “Cybersecurity is getting better, not worse,” Ghai (pictured) told the audience. After a pregnant silence, he added, “Folks, I’m not kidding!” You might expect a seller of ...

McAfee cooks up recipe for cloud attack and a way to guard against poisoning

Are information technology executives prepared to accept that data stored in the cloud will be 75 percent secure? That’s one of the central questions that emerged today on the first day of the RSA Conference in San Francisco. A report released by McAfee Inc. today found that one in four organizations surveyed, based on a ...

Apache Flink helps Netflix process 3 trillion events every day

The processing demands for a video content service like Netflix Inc. are almost unimaginable. A consumer audience of over 109 million subscribers enjoys 125 million hours of TV and movie content via the online subscriber service every single day. That places great demand on the company’s data ingestion pipeline and stream processing engines, which must ...
VIDEO EXCLUSIVE uses observability to find answers in a haystack of needles

In the complicated world of debugging modern software, metric and log-based tools only go so far. A small team of 25 engineers is hard at work inside a three-year-old startup company to improve viewable insight for event-driven problems in network systems. “We are an observability platform to help people find the unknown unknowns,” said Christine ...