Marlene Den Bleyker

Marlene is a staff writer at SiliconANGLE covering live events from SiliconANGLE Media's production hub, theCUBE. Have a news tip? Tweet it to @siliconangle

Latest from Marlene Den Bleyker

Igniting chat app capabilities with Spark | #SparkSummit

Texting is so 2009. By 2010 all the cool kids switched to using the mobile chat app Kik to communicate with each other through their smartphones. The Waterloo, Ontario startup hit the market at a time when mobile companies were charging for text messages. “Kik really took off in 2010 when it got 2 million ...

Turning Watson into a data business, from machine learning to analytics | #SparkSummit

When IBM Corp. acquired The Weather Company’s B2B, mobile and cloud-based web-properties in January 2016, the goal was to combine forces to lay the groundwork for IBM’s Watson IoT Platform. One year later, Robbie Stickland (pictured), vice president of engines and pipelines, Watson Data Platform, at IBM Analytics, is finalizing the merger of technologies from both companies ...

Using data to calculate the destruction of mass violence | #WomenInTech

Human rights efforts led by The United Nations require clear and concise definition if the organization hopes to solve the world’s problems. Properly vetted data can help, as the UN uses statistics and data to identify discrimination and to assign responsibilities where violations occur.  Partnering with the UN on many issues is the Human Rights Data Analysis Group, ...

‘Don’t let your hopes get too high’ when it comes to AI, says analyst | #SparkSummit

Modern technology is evolving at what seems to be a natural progression. Initially, hype centered around big data and how to manage it. Now that the industry has its arms around collecting and storing vast amounts of data, the focus has shifted to advanced analytics that bring value to the enterprise, according to Mike Gualtieri (pictured), vice ...

How IBM handles complexities in Apache Spark for enterprise adoption | #SparkSummit

IBM Corp. opened its Spark Technology Center a little over a year ago in downtown San Francisco to collaborate with the open-source community while sharing the company’s real-world experiences using Spark. With a mission to focus on the open-source world of Apache Spark, STC pushes the community to make forward progress and contribute to the core ...

Creating the ideal data scientist in the era of automation | #GuestOfTheWeek

As the demand for computer scientists grows, technology companies are taking things into their own hands by fostering the next-generation of innovators. WD, a Western Digital company, is an industrial data powerhouse that encourages a culture of diverse learning cycles for internship programs to help the new guard understand failure and how to learn from it. ...

How data science is changing the face of human rights | #WiDS2017

Today the world can be a scary place, and even with modern advancements and societal awareness, the violation of human rights spans the globe. Human Rights Data Analysis Group is using technology to analyze data to protect and support people living in opposition without basic civil liberty. And the right data science skills are a must ...

HPE’s vision for intelligent, mobile collaboration at work | #WomenInTech

The average person has personal access to mobile technology, a trend that raises expectations for employees to have the same mobile capabilities throughout the workspace. The result for enterprise environments is a growing layer of collaborative mobile applications to solve business problems, driving the need to modernize the workplace with sentient, intelligence-based collaboration products. Such seamless interaction for collaborative work ...

Adapting to the public cloud: when DevOps forces combine | #VTUG

For many companies, the move to the public cloud is a difficult decision with many factors to consider, the foremost being security. Many opt for a private cloud or to remain on premises, but it may not be cost efficient. Today, many companies are using hybrid solutions that include either on-premises and public cloud. For ...

Dark data in the cognitive era is driving the car revolution | #WomenInTech

Most drivers spend a great deal of time behind the wheel of a car without the ability to connect and be productive. As more automotive companies begin to work with technology leaders to create cars of the future, the driving experience starts to get interesting. International Business Machines Corp and General Motors Company have come together to ...