Marlene Den Bleyker

Marlene is a staff writer at SiliconANGLE covering live events from SiliconANGLE Media's production hub, theCUBE. Have a news tip? Tweet it to @siliconangle

Latest from Marlene Den Bleyker

Technical engineer works to help enterprise cloud adoption | #WomenInTech

Connecting to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud provides customers with scale and elasticity, but creating a Virtual Private Connection (VPC) has its limitations. Fan Gu, technical marketing engineer at Cisco Systems, Inc., works with a team of engineers who are collaborating with AWS to provide one-click provisioning that will enable them to tap into ...

CEO nuggets: Specialties and industry expertise move Infor forward | #GuestOfTheWeek

Infor, Inc. is one of those unique tech companies that creates end-to-end digital transformation solutions for its customers in many different verticals. Under the leadership of CEO Charles Phillips, for the past five years, the company’s growth trajectory has skyrocketed through strategic acquisitions and using a philosophy of growing its very own ecosystem one vertical ...

Proving the real value of data is possible, says chief data governance officer | #WomenInTech

Finding value in Big Data and data lakes while drawing out valuable information that can actually represent dollars is a huge mandate for leading enterprise organizations. Barbara Latulippe, chief data governance officer at EMC, is driving the effort, as well as changing the corporate culture to see the tangible value of data and creating positions of ownership ...

Overcoming adversity: Lessons in transitioning through life | #GuestOfTheWeek

During Inforum 2016, held at the Javits Center in New York City this week, Infor, Inc. brought more than technology to the agenda. The company prides itself on making a difference when it comes to gender and race in the technology industry, and during Inforum it held a special session hosted by the Women’s Infor ...

The CDO playbook: A balance of offense and defense | #MITCDOIQ

Fresh from his keynote speech at the MIT CDOIQ Symposium at the MIT Campus in Cambridge, MA, talking about the Four Eras of Information, Tom Davenport, professor at Babson College, research fellow at MIT Center for Digital Business and senior advsior at Deloitte Analytics, joined Stu Miniman (@stu) and George Gilbert (@ggilbert41), cohosts of theCUBE, ...

Global differences of the CDO role | #MITCDOIQ

During the MIT CDOIQ Symposium at the MIT Campus in Cambridge, MA, two people from different parts of the world and at different stages of transitioning into the world of Big Data came together to talk about their roles. And it is clear that there is a very large gap in the way data is ...

AWS pumps out products and services to accelerate the move to the cloud | #AWSSummit

Anticipating more than 1,000 new products and services to be launched this year alone, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is innovating rapidly due to the agility and speed of the cloud. At AWS Summit – Santa Clara, being held at the Santa Clara Convention Center in California, the message is focused on technology and developers. Lowell Anderson, ...

Putting lanes on the organizational data highway | #MITCDOIQ

Wrapping up day one at the MIT CDOIQ Symposium, held at the MIT Campus in Cambridge, MA, Paul Gillin (@pgillin), Stu Miniman (@stu) and George Gilbert (@ggilbert41), cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, closed today’s programming reviewing the topics of the day. Gillin began the session by saying it was a day of ...

The gender gap in tech is closing, while training gap widens | #WomenInTech

This week Infor, Inc. held its biannual user conference, Inforum, in New York City. As Infor invests in new verticals for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), it also invests in people. Through the Infor Education Alliance Program, college and university students are receiving hands-on experience specific to running a business in today’s tech-savvy environment. At the event, Martine Cadet, ...

Raising the bar on the in-store customer experience | #Inforum16

Over the past month, Infor, Inc. has made some key decisions about acquisitions to strengthen its position in the retail vertical. At the end of June, the company completed a merger with Predictix, LLC, a consumer-demand forecasting technology company. This month, Infor announced its intent to acquire Starmount, Inc., a leading in-store experience software company ...