Mellisa Tolentino

Mellisa Tolentino started at SiliconANGLE covering the mobile and social scene. Over the years, her scope expanded to Bitcoin as well as the Internet of Things. SiliconANGLE gave Mellisa her break in writing and it has been an adventure ever since. She’s from the sunny country of Philippines where people always greet you with the warmest smile. If she’s not busy writing, she loves reading, watching TV series and movies, but what she enjoys the most is playing or just chilling on the couch with with her three dogs Ceecee, Ginger, and Rocky.

Latest from Mellisa Tolentino

The Do’s and Dont’s for Google Glass Explorers

Google Glass has gotten a lot of attention from the moment it was unveiled, starting a quest for millions of curious gadget lovers and a ready ecosystem of features, apps and accessories.  Google Glass has gotten new frames fitted with prescription lenses, it’s own accessory store, and a new wink feature for taking photos. But the ...

Mobile market saturated with Internet-connected cars

There are millions of devices currently connected to the Internet, ranging from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, to laptops. But a report from the GSMA industry association reveals that this trend will soon be replaced by more devices that have the capability to connect to the Internet such as home automation devices, wearable ...

MyFitnessPal acquires Sessions : reflects smart gadget market trends

MyFitnessPal has seen a hefty increase in users and engagement since January of this year (2014 resolutions, anyone?).  And with more fitness tackers working well with MyFitnessPal, it’s building up an integrated ecosystem for those seeking healthy lifestyles through metrics and pattern recognition. MyFitnessPal doesn’t want its journey to end with giving people a service ...

Best of theCUBE : Bethany Mayer, HP’s new cloud leader [ PLAYLIST ]

Bethany Mayer, Hewlett-Packard’s head of Networking, is taking a new role as the company’s SVP/GM of Network Functions Virtualization, as part of its new cloud initiative. A leaked memo announcing Mayer’s new role stated that, “NFV will be a company-wide initiative requiring Bethany’s ability to partner with EG, ES and HP Cloud to deliver an ...

Apple granted patent for health monitoring earphone

Earlier this week, it was reported that Apple was venturing out into the world of healthcare. The company has appointed Tomlinson Holman, the genius behind the Lucasfilm THX technology and the 10.2 sound system, as the man to lead this effort. Apple is said to be looking into a technology that would help in the ...

New Galaxy device ready to be unveiled at MWC

Is the world ready for the next wave of Galaxy devices? Ready or not, Samsung seems to think so. The Korean firm is all set to unveil a range of new Galaxy devices at next week’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. Previous reports said that the South Korean giant will be unveiling the second ...

Could you commit 25 years to self-tracking?

This week’s Quantified Self roundup features a study that will extend up to 25 years, the Quantified Man, and an all-one-earphone for all your needs. A 25-year long Quantified Self study  . Leroy Hood, president of the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) in Seattle, Washington, wants to gather as many as 100,000 participants in a ...

Refreshed Android security tips : New malware breeds danger

In a new report published by security firm ESET, it was noted that malware threats have significantly increased for mobile users, specifically on Android. The report noted that malware families have increased from three to 79 families in 2013, along with the identification of several new Trojan sub-categories, while new versions of malware are also ...

Goodbye Internet freedom : Libel clause in Philippine Cybercrime Prevention Act deemed constitutional

In September 2012, the Philippines put into effect the Republic Act 10175, or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.  Before this law, authorities were powerless against cybercriminals.  It deals with child pornography, hacking, cybersex, cyber squatting and other illegal online activities.  But many consider the new law to be inherently flawed and  rallied against it, especially ...

Master Key vulnerability may be the biggest Android threat yet

Security company ESET released a new report regarding the disturbingly high number of malware. According to the report Trends for 2014: The Challenge of Internet Privacy, Android is the most widely used mobile platform with a market share of 79 percent, up from 2012’s 64.3 percent, and 2011’s 43.4 percent.  Unfortunately, the popularity of Android ...