Mellisa Tolentino

Mellisa Tolentino started at SiliconANGLE covering the mobile and social scene. Over the years, her scope expanded to Bitcoin as well as the Internet of Things. SiliconANGLE gave Mellisa her break in writing and it has been an adventure ever since. She’s from the sunny country of Philippines where people always greet you with the warmest smile. If she’s not busy writing, she loves reading, watching TV series and movies, but what she enjoys the most is playing or just chilling on the couch with with her three dogs Ceecee, Ginger, and Rocky.

Latest from Mellisa Tolentino

Mobile Payments Target SMBs as AT&T Settles In

Intuit, a software company that develops financial and tax preparation software and related services for small businesses and known for their GoPayment services, announced their collaboration with AT&T this week to provide easier and quicker business transactions for small businesses by accepting credit and debit card payments virtually anywhere, anytime.  It’s another step towards a standardized mobile ...

Eric Schmidt: “Microsoft is not telling the truth”

While touring South Korea, Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt cleared some issues regarding whether the Motorola Mobility deal would affect other mobile manufacturer partners using Android, and whether the Android platform will remain free even with Microsoft’s patent deals. “We will run (Motorola) sufficiently independently so it will not violate the openness of Android,” Schmidt ...

A Month Without Steve Jobs

October 5th was the fateful day when Apple co-founder Steve Jobs passed away.  The moment the news of his passing made the web, condolences and kind words about Jobs surfaced.  People from all walks of life, from every continent, expressed their sympathies but soon after the initial shock, haters began posting mean sentiments as well.  ...

Firefox 8 Arrives Early as IE Tries Freebies to Lure Users

Browser preference is based on a lot of things–it could be because it’s your default browser on your device, or a friend suggested one, or maybe you’ve discovered the best through trial and error.  If you’re one of those people who aren’t afraid of change, would you change your web browser if it offers you ...

Disney Teams with YouTube Because They’re So Cool

YouTube recently launched their online original channels to keep their audience interested, while Disney-ABC Television Group seems intent on extending its digital footprint.  Disney’s signed a few deals with online video distributors these past few months, including a new deal with Amazon and renewing their deal with Netflix.  It’s all another step towards making cable ...

The New B&N Nook Joins Tablet Holiday Party

With Thanksgiving and Black Friday fast approaching, rumors of tablets going on sale are buzzing at high pitch.  There are lots of tablets currently available, and a lot more will soon be available in the market.  But the question is, “Which one should you choose?” Today, Barnes & Noble is set to launch their Color ...

Top Executives Leave Apple, HP Amidst Controversy

Lately it seems like top executives are playing a game of musical chairs, and it’s not happening in just one company.  Now Apple is the one shaking things up, as their head of security is leaving the company. Apple’s Security Blunder It was reported that in July, Apple lost one of their iPhone prototypes, which ...

Google Breaks the Silence on Microsoft’s Bullying Royalties Deals

It’s no secret that Google has been in the center of patent disputes in the tech industry.  Companies like Apple, Microsoft, Oracle and others took a stab at Google in one form or another as these big players look to establish their reign in the mobile market.  The latest development comes from Microsoft making patent ...

Groupon Beats Expectations With “Unneeded” IPO Cash

Groupon, one of the top daily deals sites, has been yo-yoing this year as to whether or not it was time for their initial public offering.  They were set for an IPO over the summer but suffered some setbacks because of the volatile market, and questions about their financial stability and reported numbers.  But on ...

TMI: Are You Tweeting Yourself At Risk? [Infographic]

Are you one of those people who are so fond telling the world what you’re doing?  Like announcing where you’re at or if you’re leaving the house or if you’re watching TV at home, alone?  Then you might be putting yourself and your possessions at risk. Most burglars attack during day time since most people ...