Mellisa Tolentino

Mellisa Tolentino started at SiliconANGLE covering the mobile and social scene. Over the years, her scope expanded to Bitcoin as well as the Internet of Things. SiliconANGLE gave Mellisa her break in writing and it has been an adventure ever since. She’s from the sunny country of Philippines where people always greet you with the warmest smile. If she’s not busy writing, she loves reading, watching TV series and movies, but what she enjoys the most is playing or just chilling on the couch with with her three dogs Ceecee, Ginger, and Rocky.

Latest from Mellisa Tolentino

Amazon’s glassless 3D smartphone leaked

Rumors have been abound that Amazon is planning on releasing a smartphone to compete with devices offered by Apple and Samsung since as early as 2011, and over the years, many have waited for the retail giant to wow them. Unfortunately, Amazon has yet to unveil its own smartphone. But this year may be different, ...

Do we need a mobile kill-switch to stop mobile theft?

Smartphones, phablets, and even tablets continue to grow more powerful with each new release. Consumers are now more reliant on their mobile devices than ever, as they can accomplish many tasks while en route to work or a meeting. The downside with this mobile era is that more sensitive data is stored on our devices, ...

Will you trust Facebook with YOUR money?

Would you trust someone who freely sells your most private information, such as your phone number, email address, place of work, friend’s names and so on, to look after your money? If the answer is no, then you probably won’t be using Facebook’s money transferring service if and when it officially rolls out. Yep, Facebook ...

Google Glass goes on sale today: Smart contact lens to come next?

If you’ve been waiting to get your hands on a Google Glass but haven’t got in on the Glass Explorer program, today’s your lucky day as the device is going on sale for one-day only to anyone of legal age in the US. Stocks are limited so be sure to head to this page at ...

Bitcoin more appealing to those saving for their retirement

The Bitcoin world has been plagued with one drawback after another.  From exchange market founders facing allegations of fraud and the most recent Internet security flaw known as Heartbleed, Bitcoin enthusiasts have plenty to be worried about. Bitcoin exchanges and payment services were quick to take action to patch the Heartbleed security flaw. Some services ...

Windows Phone 8.1 download now available

Microsoft has revealed what new features Windows Phone 8.1 will deliver once it finally rolls out to consumers. Though it doesn’t seem like the new version of the OS will bring much, this is a major update since the software was last revamped 18 months ago. Windows Phone 8.1 delivers Cortana, Microsoft’s answer to Apple’s ...

Red Hat Summit guide : What to expect | #RHSummit

Open source plays a major role in today’s technology world, for better or worse. Developments including OpenStack and OpenShift have empowered organizations to rethink not only the way they architect data centers and IT departments, but also the way they provide software-led services. On the flipside, open source remains a crowdsourced effort where shared responsibilities ...

President Obama’s biased stance on exploiting online security bugs

President Barack Obama has deemed that when a cyber-security vulnerability has been discovered by any federal agency, it is the government’s duty to report the issue instead of exploiting it for intelligence gains.  However, there are exceptions to this ruling, such as in cases where national security is at stake or action from law enforcement agencies ...

Microsoft’s plans to invade smart homes and cars + more

This week’s SmartWorld Series features the future role of Kinect in smart homes, a breakthrough discovery from a tech giant, and a software giant’s efforts in the connected car market. For those who missed this week’s SmartWorld Series, here’s a chance to catch up on the exciting developments happening in the connected world. Each week, ...

Mark your calendar: Google Glass goes on sale on April 15

If you’re still looking for a way to get your hands on Google Glass because a) you weren’t able to sign up at Google I/O 2012; b) your #ifihadglass reason wasn’t good enough to make the cut; c) no one you know is a Google Glass Explorer so a referral is out of the question; ...