Mike Wheatley

Mike Wheatley is a senior staff writer at SiliconANGLE. He loves to write about Big Data and the Internet of Things, and explore how these technologies are evolving and helping businesses to become more agile. Before joining SiliconANGLE, Mike was an editor at Argophilia Travel News, an occassional contributer to The Epoch Times, and has also dabbled in SEO and social media marketing. He usually bases himself in Bangkok, Thailand, though he can often be found roaming through the jungles or chilling on a beach. Got a news story or tip? Email Mike@SiliconANGLE.com.

Latest from Mike Wheatley

NSA Whistleblower Ed Snowden Speaks Out on NSA Spying

Over the weekend, ex-CIA employee Ed Snowden revealed himself as the whistleblower responsible for exposing the NSA’s PRISM spying program in an exclusive interview with The Guardian. Snowden, who is currently employed at defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, claims to have been working at the NSA for the last four years as an employee of ...

Google’s Buying Waze For $1B To Spite Facebook & Apple

If you haven’t had the pleasure of using the navigation/traffic jam app Waze, you probably will do soon, one way or another. That’s because Google is said to be on the verge of buying the Israeli startup for a massive $1 billion+. The deal would give Google a huge lift in its ongoing struggle for ...

NSA Spying Denials Prove That Google is Truly Evil

Google has finally been exposed as the deceitful, two-faced entity it really is, and now it’s desperately trying to spin the revelations of the NSA’ s pervasive spying program to its advantage. The company that loves to portray itself as the defender of the internet, espousing its “Don’t be Evil” propaganda whilst appearing to fight ...

Trust In Twitter: They Won’t Grass You Up To The NSA… Yet

Looking at the list of nine US tech firms that are alleged to be participating in the NSA’s vast surveillance gathering program PRISM, there’s one notable omission – Twitter is not on the list. Actually, we probably shouldn’t be surprised that Twitter isn’t bending over backwards to feed your personal data to the feds – ...

Lenovo Chief Targets Push in Servers, Storage and Smartphones

The world’s second biggest PC maker Lenovo is setting its sights on the server, storage and smartphone business as it looks to expand its horizons in the post-PC era. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, Lenovo’s CEO Yang Yuanqing revealed that storage and server were a critical area of expansion for ...

NSA Secretly Mining Data From Google, Apple, Facebook & Others

It’s worse than we thought. Just 24 hours after it first exposed how the NSA was secretly tapping phone call metadata from Verizon, The Guardian newspaper and the Washington Post have revealed the existence of a massive, warrantless government surveillance program known as PRISM. The program is reportedly capable of collecting data “directly from the ...

Smart TVs: Not So Clever When It Comes To Security

Smart TVs have earned their name due to the superb functionality they offer, being able to browse the web, stream video content, sync with other devices, play games, and even hang out and chat on social media sites. But when it comes to security, the “smart’ description is probably stretching things a little. “Stupid” might ...

Yahoo To Acquire Foursquare? Here’s a Few Reasons Why It Might Happen

Could Foursquare be the next acquisition on Yahoo’s shopping list? Maybe, maybe not, but All Things D’s Kara Swisher has just made an extremely convincing case that CEO Marissa Mayer is at least thinking about buying up the location-based social network. Now Swisher gives a number of compelling reasons as to why Yahoo might be ...

NSA’s Secret Verizon Data-Mining Operation Exposed

Under highly classified orders from a secret court, Verizon has been passing on the phone call records of every single one of its customers to the US National Security Agency (NSA), UK newspaper The Guardian reported on Wednesday. Several weeks ago the court order, which was issued by an unknown federal court, granted the NSA ...

Microsoft Shuts Down World’s “Most Aggressive Botnet”

Working alongside the FBI, Microsoft has taken aim at one of the cyberworld’s most notorious botnets, which is said to have made its hacker controllers as much as half a billion dollars in the last 18 months. Microsoft’s operation focused on a botnet known as Citadel, which it terms the “most aggressive botnet operation to ...