Mike Wheatley

Mike Wheatley is a senior staff writer at SiliconANGLE. He loves to write about Big Data and the Internet of Things, and explore how these technologies are evolving and helping businesses to become more agile. Before joining SiliconANGLE, Mike was an editor at Argophilia Travel News, an occassional contributer to The Epoch Times, and has also dabbled in SEO and social media marketing. He usually bases himself in Bangkok, Thailand, though he can often be found roaming through the jungles or chilling on a beach. Got a news story or tip? Email Mike@SiliconANGLE.com.

Latest from Mike Wheatley

Liberty Reserve Shut Down: Cybercrime Community In Disarray

The popular Costa Rica-based virtual currency exchange Liberty Reserve appears to have been shut down permanently, while its founder has arrested on suspicion of using the site for money laundering purposes. The news has caused uproar within the Web’s underground cybercrime community, with hundreds of people reporting that they’re no longer able to access funds ...

Lenovo Sets Sights On US Smartphone Market

As if the mobile market wasn’t crowded and vicious enough already, it looks like we could soon have another major player step into what is tech’s toughest arena. Lenovo, the second-biggest PC maker in the world, has just revealed its plans to dump its smartphones on the US market, with the first handsets likely to ...

Gmail Facelift Rumor: Google Set To Introduce New “Tabs” Feature

Well surprise, surprise, it looks like Google might be planning yet another redesign of one of its major services. Less than a week after changes to Google+’s design interface were rolled out, reports have emerged that Gmail (yes, again) is next in line for a makeover. Several tech blogs – including The Next Web and ...

Iran Hackers Target US Energy Firms: Should We Be Scared?

For all the noise that the Syrian Electronic Army and China’s PLA Unit 61398 have been making recently, the US is facing a much deadlier threat to its cyber interests right now. State-sponsored hackers from Iran have reportedly ramped up their cyber-espionage campaign against the US in recent weeks, infiltrating a number of the country’s ...

Bridging The Gap Towards Smarter Infrastructure

You may not have seen last night’s news about the collapsed freeway bridge in Washington State that sent cars tumbling into the icy waters of the River Skagit, 55 miles north of Seattle. Thankfully rescuers say that nobody was seriously hurt – hence the story wasn’t headline news – but the incident serves to highlight ...

Intel’s High Hopes for Haswell Chips – 50% More Battery Life On PCs

Intel has a lot riding on the success of its upcoming Haswell processor, which represents the next big generational shift in its line of flagship PC chips. In an effort to build up some excitement ahead of its launch, the company has given us an early preview of some of its new benefits – the ...

Patent Abuse Reduction Act Aims To Shoot Down Trolls

The fightback against patent trolls is picking up steam with new ammunition materializing in the form of Texas Senator John Cornyn’s newly introduced Patent Abuse Reduction Act of 2013. According to Cornyn, the bill is designed to act as a deterrent to patent trolls in several ways: “This bill would require plaintiffs to disclose the ...

Waze Bidding War? Google, Microsoft + Apple Plot Takeover Bids

What with Facebook’s attempted acquisition of Waze thrown into doubt, reports have emerged that Google is about to drive forward with its own attempt to purchase the social mapping application. With Microsoft and Apple also rumoured to be interested, the battle for Waze could be about to erupt into an all-out bidding war between the ...

How to Switch Email Services Easily & Keep All Your Mails, Contacts

There’s dozens of reasons why you might want to switch to a different email provider. Whether its worries about insecurity (such as with Yahoo these days), Gmail’s disconcerting habit of ‘reading’ every email you type, or just the fact that you plain don’t like the features your current email provides, there’s always a better alternative. ...

Software Developers Are So Scarce, You’ll Get Paid $30K If You Can Find One

Developers are in seriously high demand at the minute. Or at least, they seem to be according to one somewhat generous tech firm, which is apparently so desperate to hire some talent that it’s prepared to pay an extremely handsome finder’s fee for each qualified individual it hires. HubSpot, which proclaims itself as an all-in-one ...