Mike Wheatley

Mike Wheatley is a senior staff writer at SiliconANGLE. He loves to write about Big Data and the Internet of Things, and explore how these technologies are evolving and helping businesses to become more agile. Before joining SiliconANGLE, Mike was an editor at Argophilia Travel News, an occassional contributer to The Epoch Times, and has also dabbled in SEO and social media marketing. He usually bases himself in Bangkok, Thailand, though he can often be found roaming through the jungles or chilling on a beach. Got a news story or tip? Email Mike@SiliconANGLE.com.

Latest from Mike Wheatley

Faceook Home Flops In Just One Month

So it’s not looking good for Facebook’s big push to takeover Android. One month on from its grand launch of Facebook Home, less than 0.1% of its 1.1 billion or so active users have actually installed the app, and even worse, it’s popularity’s dropping like a lead balloon. Facebook Home actually got off to a ...

The Industrial Internet – The New Front Line in the Battle for the Enterprise

Information flows follow a similar route within most organizations. Proprietary information builds up in databases, from where its funnelled into reports that rise up the chain of management. Then there’s external data, that which is gathered from public sources, accumulated from feedback, purchased from information suppliers, or simply harvested from the internet. Most Big Data ...

The Future of SaaS – Its Cloudy on the Horizon [Infographic]

The arrival of software-as-a-service (SaaS) has revolutionized the way that enterprises manage their IT infrastructure. Just as businesses replaced the water wheel or wind power with electricity from the national power grid, software and IT systems have evolved beyond simple fat fingers, floppy disks and CDs. SaaS is a new economy that is rapidly marginalizing ...

How The Onion Was Hacked (And How to Prevent it Happening to You)

When the popular satirical publication The Onion fell victim to a hack by the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) last week, it didn’t see the funny side of it. The breach led to The Onion’s Twitter account being taken over for several hours by the SEA, during which time the hackers launched a volley of insults ...

Strange Big Data: The World, According to the Twitterverse

What with something like 3% of the world’s population now confirmed as active users and around 370 million-odd tweets sent each and every day, Twitter is home to a pretty vast amount of information. But what can all of that data tell us about the world we live in? Quite a lot, as it happens, ...

Microsoft Wants A Piece Of Nook: Lets Read Between The Lines

Reports today have surfaced saying that Microsoft’s looking to splurge a billion readies on Barnes & Noble’s Nook Media business. The report, which came from the website TechCrunch, was based on leaked internal documents that were later confirmed as being genuine by the New York Times. What’s more, the documents also disclose the fact that ...

How To Stalk The Web Like A Spy

When it comes to information resources, nothing can compare to the sheer enormity of the world wide web. For all the talk of wiretaps and surveillance techniques, the internet can probably provide more data on someone or something than any other resource, so long as you know how to sift through it. And that’s the ...

BitDefender Warns Of Rise in Fake Escrow Sites

Anyone who’s used to carrying out transactions regularly will probably be familiar with escrow. For the uninitiated, escrow basically refers to a trusted third-party that holds the amount to be transacted until the buyer has received his goods and is satisfied. The system is often used on sites like eBay – the buyer deposits his ...

Why Nokia Should Tell Its Investors To “STFU” And Stick With Windows Phone

With Nokia continuing to play second fiddle to the likes of Apple and Samsung, CEO Stephen Elop has come under heavy pressure from investors to rethink his strategy of sticking with Windows Phone as its only mobile platform. Investors are concerned that the plan just isn’t working, as Windows Phone struggles to gain market share ...

Fusion-io Co-Founders Pushed Out? Boardroom Shakeup Leads to Speculation as Shane Robison is Named CEO

UPDATE:  New CEO Shane Robison just came on SiliconANGLE.com TV theCUBE to clear the rumors – link to his statement with John Furrier and Dave Vellante. It’s all going on over at Fusion-io this morning. The flash storage giant has been left reeling by the sudden departures of not just one, but BOTH of its ...